Accidental Arrangements

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Sana POV.

Such an as.hole ...I mumbled

Then he stopped!!!!! Fudgeeeeee!!

I was hiding my face with my text book. ...because of fear and embarrassment

He took it and sat behind me

Ughhhhhhh...avu wth is this situation!

I said to myself..

Then the teacher said something so I tried to focus.

T:  okay students today we are gonna start with our third  lesson  that is life processes in human part 2!.

Everyone was shocked!!!!!!!and excited aswell..

T: okay so how many people have not brought text book stand up??

I looked behind me and he was staring at me like what happened?

I knew he wont give my text book back so I stood up.

Jannat POV.

I saw sana standing.. I felt bad and else but only sana was standing

So I did something I never did I took my text book and hide it under my table and stood up.

T: ok girls this is a last warning ok in my lecture you have to bring your text books okay?!

We both said :yess ma'am!

Sana POV.

I saw jannat hiding her text book..

I knew it at that moment that she is my best friend!.

We both stood up..and yeah

We said we won't do it again

I could feel mr. Assholes staring.

Ughhhhh whyyyy!!! I thought

Then teacher said something I'll never forget .

Ok so both of you share text books with the person behind you!!

I freaked out!! Share a text book with this freaking freak???!!!!

I looked at him and said

But...but!! Ma'am how can I share?

(We had like one chair and one table for one person).

Teacher said : oh guys adjust now we are already late!.

Take your chair and sit next to him ma'am said..

Ook so I'm freaking out and this man is stabbing stairs towards me like wth did I doooooooooo!!!!!!!

I can't say anything cause
.....  be a normal girl!!! Ughhh

So I sat besides him.

After some minutes I.....

Felt something on my lap!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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