The dare.

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Sana pov.

I walked in.
And I was greated with the red lights radiating through sids ceiling
We walked into the hall and sid directed us to his room. And asked us if we needed anything. I was amazed by the interior and how cozy his room looked. 
Sid put on a shirt and apologized for being shirtless. 

Jannat: hmm well faisal said he'll be like here in 10 mins.

Sana: why  late ?

Jannat: idk.

Sana: ok..

Sid: ( I'm sure he'll try and ruin my plan, such a pain in my ass).

Sana: so like should we start working on the project?

Jannat: sure!

Sid: what's the topic tho?

We both looked at him in a little shock cause.. like... dude you don't know the topic? Its gonna be akward ...

Jannat: I'm not gonna say i didn't expect that.. so did we have to make a presentation on ...

Sid: hmm? (While drinking his coffee)

Jannat: ..umm.....

Sid looked at us with confused eyes.

Sana: our topic is sex.Ed and we have to explain the importance of protection.


Um..... did I say something wrong I thought to myself.

Sana: umm is something wrong?

. . . .  . . . .

Sid: um nothing so like.. you guys need anything to eat?

Jannat: ......I guess

Sana: I'm hungry. 

Sid: okok don't be that straight forward girl I'm intimidated ! But I like it * he winked at me*

Jannat: well I'm just gonna ignore the tension between you guys and ask you sid to get us something to eat CAUSE IM HUNGRY.

sid: okay girl. One sec

*door rings*

Sid leaves.

Soon after faisal arrived.

F : Hii guys!  :)

Sana: hi

Jannat: •///_///• you're late. !

F: oh my goodness I'm sorry ! You just wouldn't stop texting me like girl ! I'm sorry .


Sana: I'll ignore that.

Jannat: ♡\\~\\♡

The sid comes in with food I guess

And then I realize....

Those are pancakes...

I tried to look normal and act normal.
But ... I still um I can't ive not had a pancakes for like soo many years. I make them for my mom and sis but.. I don't eat them..

Sid pov.

Sana and jannat came to my house and I started my plan. And well I already ordered blueberry pancakes.

I'm gonna test her patience and
I'm gonna to break my promise.

And see if she gets hurt. 😏

I bring the pancakes to them and ..
Sana didn't react.
I was a bit confused but I wont let that change my mind..

Faisals pov.

Okay I see what you're doing there sid but I ain't gonna let you do that.

Sana pov.

Sid: here have some pancakes!
These are my favorite pancakes~

Jannat: *took a big piece and ate it*
Omgg it's so tasty ! It just melts in your mouth. Best thing I ever had in my mouth

Faisal: you sure about that?.


Sid: uhmm uhm okay so. Hey flower girl have some
*he pushed the plate near me*

Sana: umm I ..

Sid: you ?

Sana: ..  well i can't have them

Sid: oh really? Whyyy?

Faisal: cause she is allergic to blueberries. 

I didn't know what to do when he asked me to have some pancakes.
But then faisal answered for me.

Sana: yeah I am..

Sid: no you're not! Just have! A! Bite!..

Sid looked horrifyingly cruel.  I'm sure if jannat and faisal wouldn't have been here I'm sure he would have just forced me to eat that pancake.

Sana: but I can't.. I'll..  get a rash..

Sid: a rash? *Chuckles*

Are you that sensitive?

Faisal: you can't force h-

Sid: I dare you.

Sana: I don't want to. Why would I do it?

Sid: you'll get a prize. 

Sana: what if I don't want it.

Sid: well who wouldn't want a Ferrari in return of eating a pancake.
Either you'd be dumb or you have alot of money
And I don't think you are dumb.
*he smirked*

Faisal: he's lying girl don't do it.

Jannat: can you dare me? I'll eat anything for that.

Faisal: you sure? *smirks*

Sana: oh my goodness you guys keep your hormones in control!!!

Jannat: um... sorry

Sana: okay let's start the project...

Sid: I'm not done yet.

Sana: oh my lord!! okay I'll eat that pancake if you eat it first.

I didn't even mean to say that but I just .... blurred the sentence out.

Sid: ok if that's what you want.

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