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* Warning *

Are you afraid?


You should be.



ana pov.

He said that and I was about to fall into the pool but I didn't. He caught me..my whole body shivered and he seemed to notice. 

Please don't! I saw. When I saw him smirking
Okay I would not but. ..sid said
But what??...
Call jannat and tell her you left..
But I.
Just as i said that he pushed me into the pool. ..splash..
The pool is deep. And I hate the water.
As I tried to get out of the pool he caught me.. he was in the pool with me. I.. am scared.  He looks like he is going to kill me.
I try to push him away and punch him but he pinned me and said
Call jannat. And tell her you left.

I.. don't have my phone with me. I say.

I know. He said.

He had my phone... he called jannat


Please don't pick up jannat please! I say to myself. 

Hello?.. I hear from the other side of the phone.


Yeah. Sana why aren't you here? Its been like 10min. ?

I.. I'm not feeling well so I left. ..


Yeah.. I mean.  I think I have a fever. So I left.

What about your stuff?

Tell her to give it back tomorrow *sid whispered In my ear.* that sent silvers down my spine.  I felt dizzy. And felt like I had to throw up.

ARE you there?? Sana??

I..I..I'm here. Give my stuff back Tomorrow. 

Are you really okay??... is there something you wanna tell me?

I looked at sid he had a demonic glare . And I fell like I do not want to mess around. He could probably kill me.

I'm just sick I'll be okay tomorrow.. I say.. and i try and say something

And jannat I'm her- sid grabs the phone and throws it to the wall..

I could see the screen breaking. 
I'm in trouble.  I say to myself
As I fell two hands clutch my throat.
I fell my head hurt like hell! I couldn't breath.

" He is gonna kill me "

You nasty girl. You think you could escape me?? !! He picks me up I try and scream but it wont help cause my throat hurts.

I can't scream!

He takes me to the room I was in and throws me on the bed.

And walks to the door

I get up and try and get up and try and stop him from locking the door from outside but I was not successful.

He locked the door from outside.

Sid pov.

Who does she think she is to try and escape from me. She will regret it.

I say that and change my outfit.

I walk up to the room we were doing our project.

Jannat: oh hi there.! Weren't you wearing something else before?

Sid: um yeah. I just felt like changing

Jannat: you're weird

Sid:  I know.

Jannat: so sana left right.

Sid: yes. She said she was not feeling good so she left.

Jannat: hmm okay..well she called me but like I felt something wasn't right.. idk

Sid: she'll be okay.

Jannat: hmm.. well it's late I think we should leave.

Faisal: yeah.

Sid: okay you can leave.

Jannat: and yeah we are meeting again tomorrow in Sana's house.

Faisal: Ooooo

Sid. Hmm okay you can leave now

I say and they both pack and leave.
I have to take care of that flower girl now.* I smirk*

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