First kiss.?

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Sana pov.

Sid: okay if that's what you want!

He took a piece of the pancake and . . .
He put it in front of his mouth.

I was hurt. I was very nervous as he picked the piece up. My heart started aching. But I didn't show it.

Sid pov:

I tried to eat it but I just couldn't. 
I got angry with myself and left the room shutting the door loudly.


Jannat: what the actual fuck just happened?
Why are you guys fighting because of a pancakes?

Sana: ....I don't know.
I muttered

Faisal: they both are on their period. I guess

Hahahaahah laughter erupted. 

But I was a bit concerned. 

Sana: okay guys. Well let's start the project

Jannat: I'll bring sid back.

Sana: wait. I'll bring him.

Jannat: ok? But you just has a argument?are you sure about that?

Sana: yeah..

I left and tried to find sid. But I found myself in front of a fucking pool?

Okay first of all why the hell does he have a pool.
I mean we had a whole island
But still. I'm cheap okay I said to myself

And someone pushed me into the pool


The water was cold I didn't know how to swim particularly.. so I was struggling

I would die here I thought to myself  cause I was way far from sids room no one will hear me. I thought

And I just stopped trying. 

The water felt cozy and my head started getting lighter.

*splash* I heard

Then someone pulled me out of the water. We are still in the pool.

My vision was blurred. 

But I soon came to reality

And I was hugging the figure in front of me.

It was

I was expecting someone else. But..
Jannat screamed at him!

Jannat: Faisal bring her out!! Oh my god !!

I was out of the pool
Sid was staring at me with his deep eyes. With no expression on his face

Jannat: oh my goodness!!

Sid: calm down. Girl she is okay!

Sana: yeah I said dizzly...

Faisal: are you really okay tho ?

Sana: Yes... I... feel dizzy

Faisal: how did you fell in?

Jannat: yeah how?

I looked at sid and I saw no expressions.

Sana: I... I slipped. 

Jannat: omg. You are clumsy
*near to tearing up*

Sana: calm down it's not like I would have died

Faisal: you might have.

I stared at him...
Yes I would have died.. if faisal wouldn't have saved me I gave up.
What was I even thinking? Giving up? Before meeting paa?

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