Five ~ Glitter

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Alec had caught some pieces from the conversation. Something about a Raphael, he had heard that name before. What if they were talking about the Vampire who was kept imprisoned by his parents?

He had had a big argument with his dad about that, he just couldn't believe that they had locked him up without any proof that he was guilty.

"He is the leader of the night children" his father had said with his politics-voice "..even if it wasn't him, he is responsible for them"

"That's as if you would lock the inquisitor up because of Valentines crimes!" Alec had argued. "Enough Alec! Go to your room and leave the politics to us." Alec hadn't dared to say another word after he had seen the furious look on his father's face. He hated himself for the fact that his father could make him do things he didn't want to. This man had way too much power over him.

Alec knew that Downworlders cared for each other, even though they were so different. He found it admirable and felt like the Shadowhunters could learn a lot from this example.

But it was just at this moment when he realized how much they actually cared for each other. He had heard the word 'family' and was surprised that a Warlock and a Vampire could call each other family. After all, Magnus probably risked his life with this action.

Alec was trained to put his people above all else, he couldn't other but admire Magnus for his selflessness.

That man was .. something else. He had never met anyone like him before. And he had never thought about another person so much.

Focus on getting out of here, idiot! He told himself. Running out the door hadn't worked, Magnus' guest had definitely heard him scream but didn't seem to care much. The window was too small for him to fit through, and even if, he wouldn't be able to climb up the duct.

Do you even want to escape? The nasty voice in his head said.
I don't know.
Maybe it would be the best just to wait until Magnus would trade him for Raphael. He would get free eventually, so why think of escaping?
Because if the exchange is going to happen the clave will eventually catch him. They would lock him up and don't bother to bring him breakfast or put flowers on his table.

Alec couldn't bear the thought of Magnus' shiny personality in a prison. Hair down, no glitter, not enough space for his wide gestures. He would just sit there and stare at the wall.

The idea of it gave Alec shivers. If he would just manage to escape, he could avoid this. He needed to get out of here, in order to save Magnus.

Why do you want to save the person who imprisoned you? That's crazy!
It was crazy. But Alec couldn't stop feeling the need to protect him, the Warlock certainly was a good person. His only hope was to convince Magnus to let him go. The Warlock had shown doubts before, Alec just had to charm him a little bit.

After all, Magnus had flirted with him hadn't he? So it would work. But Alec had never flirted before, he hadn't even made compliments to anyone at all. How did people do that? What was he supposed to say?

You have beautiful eyes, I love cats!

No, don't do that.

No, don't do that

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