Twenty-two ~ Magic

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Isabelle Lightwood couldn't remember the last time she had felt relaxed. She felt like her body was constantly worried about everything going on. Especially about her brother. He had worried sick when he had gone missing and as she had finally gotten him back she thought now everything would be back to normal. But life didn't work that way. Alec was a mess from the moment he had been back home until now.

She understood why, he had never been confronted with that kind of feelings. And he didn't even get the time to understand them properly before he had to worry again about Magnus.

Izzy was disappointed in her mother, she hadn't thought she would do such a horrible thing, her dad? Sure. But her mom?

She knew that Alec wasn't mad at her but she couldn't stop feeling bad. He had looked at her as if it was her fault that Magnus had got captured. She felt like she was always the one bringing her brother bad news.

"Should I follow him..?" Jace asked hesitantly.

"No, just .. give him some time.." Clary said and put an arm around his shoulders. Izzy knew that Jace felt as bad as she did watch Alec suffer.

"I think, we should better do something to get Magnus out of there." She suggested. "Clary and I have also found out the names of the dead mundanes ..."

"They're dead, so what?" Jace asked annoyed.

"Think out of the box for once Jace.. We could .." she hesitated "..turn one.."

Clary gasped at her suggestion. "You want to turn a dead mundane, Izzy are you out of your mind?!"

 "You want to turn a dead mundane, Izzy are you out of your mind?!"

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"Clary, think.. if he's back alive he can talk, we can use him as our witness to prove Raphael's innocence." Clary shook her head.

"That's really smart Iz.." Jace started.

"I know" Izzy replied.

"You too?" Clary looked disappointed at her boyfriend "No, this is horrible, think about the mundane.."

"He'll survive.." Jace said and Izzy giggled.. "Literally."

They didn't listen to Clary's further argumentation and Jace went off to get some blood. Izzy didn't really wanted to know from where though. She went to the laboratory and decided to go for a teenage girl.

"She deserves to live" she said "She's really pretty and she's dead, imagine what she'd look like as a vampire.. this one is going to have the life of the party."

"Izzy this isn't funny.. you.." Izzy didn't want to hear any of that. "Let's take her to the cemetery."

She knew that Clary was right, she knew how wrong it was. But she felt like it was worth it. It was the only chance to get Alec back. Her brother's happiness what worth everything.

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