Eleven ~ Morning

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Alec woke up because his back hurt. He had fallen asleep on the couch.

He didn't quite recall the movie they had watched

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He didn't quite recall the movie they had watched. He had been thinking about Magnus. Magnus, who had manged to calm Alec down and made him feel safe in his arms. Magnus, who had said that there was nothing wrong with him. He hadn't known, how desperately he had to hear those words. He had always thought that there was something wrong with him and no one had ever told him anything else.

Stockholm syndrome Magnus had said. They start to feel things towards their kidnapper. Did he really have that? He couldn't deny that he did have strong feelings for Magnus, they were beautiful and scary at the same time. He didn't know if he wanted them to be an illusion. If they were than he would have to get back to his life after this and pretend he had never been in love. But if this was an illusion that he hadn't, right? This was all too confusing for him at the moment.

Alec touched his head and tried to stop thinking so much.

He could see a beautiful sunrise through Magnus windows

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He could see a beautiful sunrise through Magnus windows. He stood up and went on the balcony, the view was just stunning. For the first time he realized that he was in Brooklyn. With that knowledge came the reminder that he was still a prisoner, even though it didn't feel like that.

He went back inside and looked for Magnus. The apartment was quite big so it took him a while to find the master bedroom. The door was open and Alec could see Magnus, sleeping in a big and comfortable looking bed. He smiled and watched how his chest rose and fell evenly.

He had never seen Magnus so pure. No Makeup, no glitter, no fancy cloth, just a normal man. He was even more beautiful without all of that. Alec realized that he was shirtless and couldn't resist looking at his upper body. Magnus had a beautiful caramel skin colour and defined abs.

"Alexander, stop staring. Come in"

Magnus suddenly said sleepily and Alec realized that he must have been awake the whole time. He felt his face heat up and entered the room. Magnus tapped next to him on the bed.

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