Chapter 2: Is it worth it?

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I woke up and looked over at the clock. It was 5 A.M. on Saturday morning. It felt as if I had just closed my eyes for a few seconds ago, and almost eight hours had passed. My body was accustom to waking up early on the weekdays for work, but seeing how I had nothing to do on the weekends, I just laid in bed and tried to fall back asleep. As I rolled over, the events of the night before rushed back to me. Taking the train, meeting Lotus, talking with her, her being invisible, the way she cried, and when she kissed my cheek.

I patted myself down, trying to find something to prove if what had happened was real, then I remembered her number. I flipped my hand slowly, skeptically, hoping her number would be there. I caught sight of the dark blue smiley face and knew I was all real. Her number was there, she had kissed me, and we had met. I thought about her, her cute smile, the way her hair fell effortlessly over her face, the soft touch of her lips and the way her amber eyes sparkled the first time she looked over at me. I couldn't wait to see her again, to go out for coffee. As I thought about her, I slipped off into a peaceful sleep, the kind of sleep I hadn't had in the longest while.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

I was awoken by repetitive knocking. My beautiful sleep disturbed by this incisive knocking. I rolled over pulling the pillow over of my face, desperately trying to block out the banging that came from my front door.

"Open the door Sabastian, I know your home!" A voice yelled from my front door.

"Go away!" I tried to yell but my voice was groggy and cracked.

"Come on Sabastian, Let me in!" The voice continued, along with the banging on my door. Seeing how my sleep had been completely and utterly disrupted, I trudged out of bed and towards the front door. "Open up, Sab-"

"What?" I said in a low voice as I opened the door, the light from the hall way flooded into my apartment, destroying what was left of my sleep, and blinding me. I rubbed my eyes, trying to regain my sight, to see who was standing at my door. Removing my hands from my face, I came face to face with what felt like the devil herself.

"Olivia?" I said in a half-asleep shock.

"Did you just wake up? It's like two o'clock in the afternoon." She said as she stood there in the hall way. Her blond hair was pulled up into a half made bun, she wore sweatpants and a slightly large t-shirt that covers her baby bump. "Can I come in?" She said and her face showed something I've seen before, grief.

"Yeah..." I mumbled, opening the door wider to allow her to enter. She stepped in and looked around.

"This place looks so..." she paused, trying to think of what to say next, "empty, since the last time I was here." She walked over and sat on the couch. "Have you been dating lately?" Her words where filled with what seemed like realistic concern.

"No, I haven't," I said, as I closed the door.

"No wonder, this place needs a feminine touch." She moving around the couch pillows.

I walked over to her. "I don't mean to be rude, but what are you doing here?" I said as I stood at the end of the couch.

Grief came over her face again, I could tell something must had happened. I took a seat next to her. "It's Dimitri... We got in a big fight yesterday. With the baby coming and me not being able to work, he's been stretched so thin having to pay the bills and..." She continued explaining about how Dimitri was working two jobs to pay for the bills and how he was really stressed out from all work. They had argued about financing, bills, the lack of money and respect. "It's just that we're both in hard spots right now, and just need time to cool down, Can I stay here a little while?"

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