Chapter 10

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*Chapter notes*

This story was supposed to be a try-out, just a random thought that came to me in the middle of an ordinary day and forced me to exit it from my brain in the best way I could. I wanted to write maybe five short chapters, but all your amazing comments inspired me to fully give myself into the story. So here, have this chapter written more or less in the way that I'm used to. I have no idea how the rest will present themselves but, for the time being, I'm forgetting my own rule of compacting everything I want to say in something around 1k words.


Chapter 10

It feels like I'm flying yet, at the same time, my whole body is pinned against Brian's.

His hands go up and down my back. Even through my t-shirt, I can still feel the electroshocks running through my skin. Everything is just so electrifying. There is no other way to describe it. This moment rejects all laws of physics. Not even Newton could explain the gravity force that Brian's lips have over mine.

Apparently, I had my phone on repeat because Lana del Rey starts singing the sensual song again as soon as it ends. The soft tune coming from my pocket, and the loud smacking of lips crashing against each other, provide the most beautiful symphony I have ever heard. Until a soft moan escapes his lips and dies inside my mouth, that is. This is a real moan, not the type he exaggerates whenever he tries to embody a turned on woman. This is the real him. Listening to that sound for the first time, and knowing that I'm the cause of such beautiful expression, makes me feel like I could touch the sun with my bare fingers.

My hips never stop moving, going back and forth, grinding against his crotch, and increasing the pace with every touch of our lips. Something primitive, almost animalistic, takes over me. I want - no, I need more of him. I need to feel him whole.

Oxygen is the only excuse why I part my mouth from his. We are panting, our chests rise and fall erratically. My heart is beating so fast I'm afraid it might break out of my ribcage. I have to look down, to make sure the cartoonish outline of my heart is not visibly pulsing through my clothes. My eyes land somewhere else, though.

"Can I touch you?" My voice comes from a deep place at the back of my throat, one that I don't think I have ever explored before.

The slightest of nods from his head is all I need to have my fingers working the belt around his hips. As soon as his fly is open, I dig for my prize inside his underwear. I have seen him naked before, many times. I have seen pictures of his fully erect member, helping him pick one to send to someone else. I have playfully placed my hand on his crotch, and I have made endless jokes about how much I wish I could have him in my hand, and mouth, anywhere really. But nothing compares to this moment. Nothing. Not a single figment of my wildest dreams could have ever come near to the experience of actually having Brian fucking Firkus' dick in my hand.

It's big... bigger than the perception I had of it. My fingers wrap around its thickness and immediately start pumping him. I'm going fast, I know, and he lets me know it's working by biting my shoulder. His heavy breathing moves to my ear. Hot air hits my already burning skin with every movement of my hand.

I need more.

Jumping off of him, I kneel between his open legs. What comes next, I wasn't expecting. He starts laughing. His laughter is loud, completely drowning the music that is still coming from my pocket.

"What?" I ask breathlessly, taking the phone out and stopping the song. "What's so funny?" I'm starting to chuckle myself, his contagious amusement getting to me.

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