Chapter 14

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*Chapter notes*

Caution: Content may be hot.

Chapter 14

My back lands softly on the mattress. The bed is not made, I never make it. Right about now is a good time to kick myself for it. If I had known that this moment was going to present itself, I would have arranged the sheets and pillows, uncluttered the night stands and replaced all my shit with candles and roses.

We deserve as much.

Our first time shouldn't be like this, not in a messy room that stinks of all the sweaty gym laundry I haven't done.

While my mind is going around the room, mentally picking up everything that is out of place, Brian's eyes are traveling up and down my body. I feel his stare burning my skin, and I shift uncomfortably under his gaze.

"So beautiful," he whispers, almost as if he is talking to himself. He climbs on top of me, his legs flanking my hips and his hands on each side of my face. "You are so beautiful," he confirms.

I stretch my neck up and kiss him. My lips proven unable to separate from his, even if it's just for a moment.

This time, the kiss is slower. We explore each other's mouths as if this was the first time. I can feel his lips softly pressing against mine before opening and capturing my bottom lip. The move is hot and sensual. He rhythmically starts sucking on it, making me want to have him sucking a completely different part of my body. And I let him know just that. My hips buckle up, grinding against his, letting him know I need him somewhere else.

He gets the hint.

He sits up with a smile and removes his shirt. I do the same, throwing my t-shirt across the room. It hits something and it crashes on the ground with a loud bang. It's not easy to identify what the hell I just broke but it doesn't matter, nothing else matters but the man in front of me.

Sure, he has struggled with his image a lot, never really liking the shape of his own body, but here, in the dark bedroom, illuminated only by the few moonlight rays that make it through the blinds, he is a vision.

I start tugging at his pants, wanting to see him entirely free of any garment separating us.

He stands by the foot of the bed, undoing his belt and opening his fly in a fast move. I can't have him doing that all by himself. Quickly, I step down from the bed and stand right in front of him. He looks down at me with those eyes so dark they are almost black. Holding his stare is that I tuck my index fingers into his waistband and slightly push his jeans and underwear down. Still holding his stare is that I drop down to sit on my heels and pull his clothes the rest of the way down until they are piling at his ankles. The only moment my eyes let go of his is when I close them to the feeling of his tip inside my mouth.

There is no doubt that he is very well endowed, I even felt as much a couple hours ago, yet, his size is surprisingly large for my mouth. I have sucked a lot of dick in my life, a lot, and never has there been one that can't fit. His won't be the first one. I won't allow him to have anything but my all.

I start by leaving a wet trail of kisses, from the base, all the way up to the head of his penis. Fuck, it's such a marvelous penis.

My mouth circles the tip as my hand takes care of caressing his thighs. The taste of him already has me losing my mind. I have to concentrate every fiber of my body to resist my own want and give him my full attention. I want to pleasure him like nobody has ever done before. I want him to feel just how much I love him. I want to physically make it clear that nobody is going to love him like I do.

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