Chapter 15

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*Chapter Notes*
Well, this is it. We have reached the end of this crazy ride. I have no way to thank you for all the love and support you have given me and this story. Being a new author in a fandom is hard, but I have felt nothing but welcomed.
Do not worry, you will most likely still see me around. I am already working on a few other stories. And I'm also taking requests, so if you have an idea that want to see materialize, let me know and we can make it come to life. You can always find me on all social media as DenDenMonMon. Thanks to those who have contacted me either on Twitter or IG, you guys even made me come back to Tumblr after literal years of being away lol
The notes are almost done, just a few more thanks are in order. A million thanks to all of those who took the time to read and comment, just knowing that at least one person was getting a smile on their face because of my writing, meant the world to me. Special shout out to everybody that helped me beta, even when my annoying ass wouldn't take their suggestions or put all the commas back when they had just removed them lol You seriously have no idea how many hands had to touch each chapter before it actually got posted. They are the true heroes.
Hopefully all the hard work paid off and you were able to enjoy a somewhat decent story :)

Chapter 15

I have woken up inside of Brian's arms many times before, but never naked, and never this sore.

The sun is fully up and its rays hit me forcefully on the face, making me grunt in disagreement. I don't wanna move; I don't want to leave the wonderful shelter of his arms. He's hugging me from behind. I can feel his even breathing on my neck. His chest is pressed against my back, and his morning wood against my ass.

Not even thinking about it, I start moving my hips against him, letting my butt rub against his semi-erect member.

His hot breath hits my ear as it suddenly loses the steady rhythm of his sleep. It feels good to be able to work him up so easily. I reach down, with the full intention to caress him, feeling proud of myself. Even without him being conscious, his body is reacting to me. Wait, what? He's not conscious. What am I even doing?

My hand drops immediately and I absolutely hate myself. I can't believe I was about to take advantage of him like this. Gross.

As I'm internally slapping myself for such nasty thoughts, his lips find my nape. "Why did you stop?" he asks against my skin, making me shiver.

I try to turn around, but his arms wrap tighter around me, keeping me in place.

"I thought you were asleep," I answer. Or at least that's what I think I said, because the feeling of his lips kissing my neck nonstop makes it really hard to concentrate.

Soon his hand does what mine couldn't. I feel his fingers trace small circles around my stomach on its way down. My eyes close at the sensation of such light touches, until he gets a good grip of me. His strokes are slow, his hand is soft and warm. Between the feeling of his hand pumping me, and his own erection rubbing my ass, I'm in a state of celestial bliss.

Taking advantage of the moment, I finally turn in his arm, facing him completely. He kisses my lips ever so tenderly.

"Do you have any regrets?" The words leave my mouth on their own accord. "About last night," I clarify, the question dawning down on me at the same time I'm pronouncing it.

He looks at me straight in the eye, blank and expressionless stare. "Yes," he says in a somber tone. "That I didn't get to do this."

His eyes leave mine and I already feel lost, but there's a more than valid reason. I see the top of his head traveling down my body, marking my skin with butterfly kisses until he finds his prize. His mouth is hot around me. His tongue expertly goes up and down my length, sending electroshocks all throughout my body.

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