Very happy

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This is an author's note for any of you who may have gotten excited to see a new chapter, I apologize deeply. But-

We just hit 700 reads!!! Its so fricking incredible and it makes me so happy to see all of these people reading MY story. When I first started writing this book I was in a very dark place and I was trying to alleviate my negative feelings and drown myself in a world that I could control. It helped a lot and for a while I stopped writing because I was so busy doing other stuff and fun things that I didnt have time nor felt the need to write.

Then things got bad again and I dove into my book, writing as much as I could and sometimes even putting what I was going through onto the page. Of course you guys would never know or most likely even tell but it was good to write down my feelings. You should try it. Anyways, my friend in real life, shout out to you Chloe, has been bugging me to keep writing because she actually enjoys the book. She doesnt even really like Panic! At The Disco that much, I don't know how we're friends either.

In celebration, I would like to ask anyone who's actually reading this to vote on what they would like to see. For my last chapter I delved into Reece's thoughts and feelings more which I thought was interesting and very fun to write. If you guys would like to see more of that or how other characters are feeling then comment on that suggestion. I hope you guys are enjoying this book as much as I am writing it, dont be a silent reader! Bai<3

Vote here   vvv

- more of Reece's thoughts/etc

-more of Brendon's thoughts/etc

-other characters' thoughts/etc

-different POV

-more insight on Rosie's backstory

-chapter about Rosie and James

That's all I can think of for now! Any other suggestions leave here :)


Oh, what a shame.

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