Yes. They are Real, in fact, many of the fictional characters in different countries are including the Fox lady in Japan. A woman that can turn itself into a fox when it gets dark, yes these creatures are real for we are living in a multiverse. We are existing in more than 12 dimensions- and we are living it simultaneously- we are the Universe experiencing itself, as hard as it is to grasp. We are living in the past, the present and the future and we are living in various dimensions even the ones that we don't know exist. This is the reason why there are glitches sometimes- are we living inside a supercomputer, are we simulated- is there an edge to the multiverse universe- even Lightworkers don't know for sure-- we are specks of dust, but all is still magic, for we are conscious-
I met my first dwarf or rather dwarves when I was six, and no they aren't cute like the Smurfs, they aren't blue either, they are green and sometimes black is and color and they always look grumpy- most of them are already old. In human age, most of them look like they are already in their 60s and 90s but somehow they remain fit and strong. I walked into my father sleeping one sunny afternoon and saw several dwarves climbing on his stomach. They seem to be busy picking something, several gems- when I grew up I realized this was Jade, a rock that my father keeps close to his side pocket for luck. These small beings were trying to pull a wagon filled with jade, on top of my father's stomach, some of them were aware that I can see them, to this day I don't know why- despite seeing me and realizing that I could see them they continued walking and doing their work. They seem a bit annoyed but used to my presence, to this day I don't know why these creatures showed themselves to me. After reaching the age of 12 I was never able to connect with them again. My Uncle Romper was able to see and mingle with dwarves when he was age 7, but just like me, he lost this ability too. My family used to live in a remote area, somewhere in the Philippines. During an afternoon tea, I was fortunate enough to talk to my Uncle about ghosts, dwarves, and other dimensional beings. He shared the story of how he wandered around in another world in the back of their house- and found 2 dwarves busy working on something, he was so astonished and decided to follow them around- just like me, he saw them picking rocks and working busily- he narrated how he got lost for several hours- trying to observe these dwarves who paid no attention to him. They simply didn't care that he could see them, although one approached him and looked at him curiously- this dwarf had kinder eyes than the rest, and had the greyish and white colors- it looked like more of an ashen statue of a dwarf- how he got back he doesn't remember- according to my Uncle Romper he was able to mingle with them until age 13, but after that he lost the ability to see them- maybe because my grandparents started their house expansion- and his life got busier but he never forgot that episode and deemed it to be true- it was true, it wasn't a dream. I saw these green and greyish dwarves when I was young- and my mind didn't make them up.
Despite seeing these dwarves when I was young I opted not to narrate this story to my family members. I don't know why I knew that I had to keep this a secret- at age 6 I already knew that my fellow humans wouldn't be able to understand the things that I was seeing. There is a reason why these dwarves felt comfortable around me- I could not ascertain why but there must be something different in my DNA, in my blood bloodline. In fact, seeing multidimensional beings have become commonplace to me. I first met a White Horse Spirit at age 4 and have a prior recollection, this horse is a physical being- rather a Spiritual being that could only be seen by Lightworkers like me- the white horse kept on visiting our garden and I was used to interacting with it- I don't know why I had the ability to recall these types of information at age 4. A regular human wouldn't be able to do so- it was also a normal occurrence to me to see Spirits in Cemeteries- and to meet Spiritual - ghostly white beings whose faces I could not see in hotel staircases- at a very young age these are plain facts and reality to me, and without the need to get warned by others- that this information wouldn't be accepted I kept the stories hidden. I can see and experience more than the usual individual and could travel to different dimensions while sleeping.
Diary of a Lightworker
ParanormalAt age 12, I looked into a tall antique mirror- it was the first time I had a notion that my brain and my soul are separate things- Consciousness. Who is this person looking at me in the mirror? her eyes are brown, she is smiling.. why is she smilin...