I'll Protect You

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So this isn't Jordomi... It's a request from @keir2017

It has most of their idea with a little twist of mine since I was a little confused.

It's a Bennomi one shot! I will try to write Jordomi but Jordan and Naomi look like best friends, not a couple. I just can't imangine them as couple but I will try.


I was tied to a chair in a dark room, with one light on me. It was like a spotlight and I was the entertainment.

There was a dark figure approaching me. Raymond.

He had a nasty smirk on his face. He looked as if he was about to torture me until I want to die.

"Well, Nerdy Naomi finally woke up," He spat out. I noticed a gun strapped to his pants on a belt. He noticed I was looking at it.

"Oh, you have found my gun. Well don't worry, it's not for you. I won't be causing you any physical pain. The gun is for them." He pointed to the dark abyss ahead of me.

Three spotlights turned on, revealing three different people. All of their heads were hanging down but I knew who they were. The Three Musketeers, all helpless and powerless.

Jordan was the first to look up. His face had no signs of injury or harm but his eyes lost light, as if something had been battling him inside his head. Next up was Declan, again no sight of injury. When he made eye contact with, tears started to brim his eyes. Last but not least, Bennett finally looked up. He made eye contact with me and mouthed 3 words, I am sorry.

I started choking out sobs and looked at Raymond. That sadist was enjoying this all too well.

"Who should I start with?" Raymond asked. He first pointed to gun to Declan.

"Him?" He then pointed the gun to Jordan.

"Him?" He pointed the gun to Bennett.

"Or him?" I couldn't choose any of them. They are my best friends.

"Well time is up, boys come on out!" Raymond called out.

The first boy to step out was Parker, he looked drained and tired. The next boy was someone I didn't recognize but I'm guessing he goes to school with us.

They all lined up and pointed a gun at each Musketeer. Raymond at Bennett, Parker to Declan, and the other boy at Jordan.

"Stop! Don't do this! Please!" I kept yelling. But they didn't listen and the gun shots went off.

I woke up. It was just a dream, just a dream. I looked up and saw the Three Musketeers, all looking right at me.

"Are you okay? We heard you screaming," Jordan asked, rubbing his eyes. I feel bad for waking all of them up from their sleep.

"I'm fine," I lied. My dream scared me so bad I doubt I'll be able to sleep.

Declan nodded and walked out of my room with Jordan following him. Bennett was standing at the foot of my bed, staring into my soul. He knew I was lying, he could read me like a book.

He walked over to the right side of my bed and motioned to it. "May I?" He asked.

I nodded and he got under the covers. I was just expecting him to sit, not get in bed with me. That sounded wrong.

"What was your nightmare about?" Bennett asked. I took a deep breath and explained the whole dream.

At the end, he gave me a kiss on my forehead. I blushed at that. I could see the pink glow from his cheeks.

"Why are you blushing? I'm the one who got kissed on the forehead," I teased.

"I hate being pale." His response didn't answer my question but I didn't really mind. I enjoyed his company.

If he is bold enough to give me a kiss on the forehead, I should have no shame in kissing him. And I did.

He didn't respond, making me pull away. I should have known that he wouldn't like me back. I'm so stupid when it comes to other people's feelings.

"I'm sorry. W-we should probably forget I ever did that," I stuttered out.

Bennett smiled and shook his head. He leaned in and placed his lips on mine. We were in an awkward position, both on our sides facing each other. I felt Bennett getting on top of me. His hands were running up and down my torso, creating sparks. My hands were combing through his soft locks. I ventured my hands down his back, feeling all of his lean muscles against my fingertips. He let out a soft moan, causing me to moan as well. As we pulled away, he bit my bottom lip making me moan again.

My heart was beating rapidly and I moved my hand down to Bennett's chest. I could feel his heart and it was beating fast as well.

"Will you go out with me, Naomi Lorraine?" Bennett asked, blushing. Aww, he was nervous!

"Yes, I would love to Bennett Frazier." And with that, I smashed my lips against his.

It was a slow and sweet kiss but filled with just as much passion as the first one. When we pulled apart, we cuddled and fell asleep in each other's arms.

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