What Doesn't Kill You Makes You Stronger

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I don't think it's good but I tried.


"Naomi!" I heard someone call behind me.

I was in Valley Park, crying because of Charlie's Angels. They said I would just be a piece of trash and would never be good enough for Bennett. I don't know how they found out about my crush on Bennett but they bully me even more because of it.

"Naomi, what's wrong?" I looked up to see Bennett. Looking as good as ever.

I hung my head low in embarrassment. He sat down next to me on the bench. I felt his hand push my head up to meet his icy blue eyes.

"Th-th-th-th-the Charlie's Angels said that I wasn't good enough for y-y-you guys and that I would never be. They-they kicked me in shins so I wouldn't run and then my stomach multiple times," I said, breaking under his gaze. My stomach was still sore from 2 hours ago.

Bennett's eyes were dark with rage and anger. I felt terrified. Not for myself but for the Angels.

"When did this happen?" Bennett seethed.

"Two hours ago."

"We are going to the base to clean up your wounds. Then Jordan, Declan, and I will be planning a murder while you get some rest."

Before I had a chance to argue, Bennett stood up and picked me up, bridal style. I blushed and snuggled into his chest. He smelled really good, like mint and chocolate. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see him with a small smile. Before I knew it, darkness over took me.

I woke up in the base. I looked around to see a room that wasn't my own. It was Bennett's. He was sitting on his office chair for his desk.

"Good you're awake," Bennett said, standing up with a first aid kit. "I need you to take off your shirt so I can treat your wounds."

His face was beet red, mirroring my own. I nodded shyly and peeled off my shirt. His eyes roamed my torso, making me feel insecure.

"Can you stand up please? I need to make sure your back is treated as well." I stand up, looking down.

Bennett places the first aid kit on the bed and takes out a cotton swab and some rubbing alcohol. He dampens the cotton swab with rubbing alcohol and gently presses it to a wound on my stomach. I hiss in pain, the alcohol was not helping at all.

"Sorry." I involuntarily cross my arms over my stomach.

"It's fine."

He places the cotton swab on the bed and gently uncrosses my arms from toy stomach. He gets on his knees so his face is level with my stomach. My breath hitches in my throat. What the hell is he doing?

His lips press dainty, light, butterfly kisses to my wounds and old scars. He kisses a bruise that was received two hours ago and the wound he was going to clean. His hands gently yet firmly grab my hips to keep me still.

"Never be ashamed Naomi, wear your scars proudly and show how strong you are." He spun me around so my back was facing him. He littered more kisses to the scars on my back.

He stood up and looked me in the eye. "Naomi, never ever be ashamed of your body."

I nodded and gave him a small smile. He returned it with a kiss on my forehead.

He continued to treat my wounds and gave me little kisses every now and then, making me sigh in content.

"Where are the other two?" I asked, referring to Jordan and Declan.

"With their families." There was a twinge of sadness in his voice.

He had finished treating my last wound after saying that.

Bennett was a dream for anyone. He can cook, he is charming, sweet, compassionate, and smart. I would love to have him as my boyfriend but... the contract.

"Naomi... I have something to say." Bennett started to play with his fingers, looking nervous. He never looks nervous.

"What is it?"

"I love you." What. Holy-


"You don't have to say it back and I don't expect you to but I just want you to know that I love you." A grim smile broke across his face. I snapped out of my daze and looked him in the eye.

I didn't know what to say, so I kissed him. The lips molded with my own, they were soft and sweet. He was the only thing on my mind. He was an amazing and intoxicating person. That I loved.

"I love you too," I said, breaking the kiss. His eyes lit up, making me smile.

He kissed me again, causing me to fall against the bed. And we had an amazing time.

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