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Nobody's P.O.V
Everyone put their hands down and checked their phones to see if Kieth was lying.
"Please tell me this is a horrible prank someone..."
"Sorry hunk." Kieth said.
"What should we do?"Alex asked. "I think we should pack thing to move to a less populated area; we have to do this fast though, but do we have enough things to survive for all of us?"Matt questioned. Everyone was in shock and silence until pidge got up "I think we will but we are in a crowded city filled with people where the disease will spread incredibly quickly so we need to go to the countryside or just a place with a low population. I'm getting backpacks,Kieth and lance fill stuff up with water Alex, hunk get food and Matt get other supplies like rope, pocket knife, pots, torch, matches, medical kit and so on." No one questioned pidge and got to their tasks.

Lance P.O.V
I get up and Kieth follows me out of the room. "This is so weird and unreal"I say to break the silence.
"I'm still processing what happened,I can believe the end of the world as we know is just going to disappear."
"I guess we're probably all going to die"

Hunk P.O.V
Once me and Alex entered the kitchen we immediately started discussing what food we would need and how long we were planning for. I spoke first.
"How much food should we get?"
"Enough to last for 6 people for a couple months"
"We'll probably need to have rations"
"Definitely. Plus extra just in case."
As soon as I said that Matt came in the room rustled through a couple draws  and pulled out three pocket knives and once cooking knife.

No ones P.O.V
After everyone was done collecting what they needed they met back in the living room Matt took out his 'weapons'
"I got everyone some protection against  the people who are infected. Lance you get a gun because you have the best aim. Hunk and Alex you have bats because you both have good arm strength and me,pidge and Kieth have knives because we are probably the best suited for close attacks."

After everyone received their weapon and everything was packed in 4 backpacks (carried by hunk, pidge, Kieth and Alex) in no idea of what was about to happen, and how this would change their lives they set off to find a place that was away from lots of people.

Word count:446
Hope you enjoyed this chapter and I don't abandon this book because I have practically no motivation to do these sorts of things


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