I want to be alive-13

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Lance p.o.v
As I looked around the scene playing before my eyes a sudden feeling of emptiness hit me. The feeling that even when we reach My abuela's home we won't be okay. None of us will actually be happy. We won't be safe. Our whole lives will be dedicated to outsmarting a disease. What about after we get there? How long will we stay inside? Will we have enough to feed us for a lifetime? Will the disease die with the victims?

So many questions with no answer littered my brain and cut the wires I use to function. To be completely honest, I feel like a robot. Like I'm living on the earth but I have no life. Like a robot, I have only one function. Not dying.

How would you classify a life? Having fun, having passion, having motivation, having joy, having contentment. I have none. I just run and run and run away from them. I don't really know what they are. They're human. But not really. Humans don't go on uncontrollable killing rampages.

I'm unsure of my emotional state. I'm incapable of focusing on any task. I just want this to be over I don't want to carry on with this god forsaken journey. I just wish that it was all over. I want to give up.

But I won't. I need to stay strong. For my friends. It's my job to keep everyone alive and take them to safety.

Word count:281
Sorry this update was really short I just have very little motivation and I wanted to post something so I made a short angst bit.

Till next time my guys gals and nonbinary pals


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