Chapter One

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My name is Cadence Monroe, all I did was hop on my Fatboy Harley to clear my head. You see I walked into my now ex boyfriend's house to come and celebrate his birthday, what I didn't expect to walk into was him balls deep in a women I have never seen in my life.

See I really am not the jealous type, I didn't scream at him or holler. Didn't beat the shit out of the female because honestly she looked like she really didn't know he had a girlfriend. I let that pass, she aplogized, got dressed and left his house.

" Look Max I thought I would come and celebrate your birthday with you but I am going to leave and never come back. I am so glad I didn't move in with you because that would have been a lot worse to walk into this." I said

" Look Caden I am sorry but you have been so distant lately and I haven't seen much of you. I needed some attention and you were no where around." He said. Boy I was seeing red by now, he was trying to spin to where he was the victim. Yeah I have been distant, my dad was dead.

" I just lost my dad you inconsiderate asshole, my only living relative, the only man to truly love me is dead. I have no one, and you just up and decide to screw the first female you see?" I was furious, I was pissed. I wonder how long he's been doing this, how many other girls he was screwing. You know what I didn't care I will just leave and clear my head.

I didn't let him explain anything, I didn't want to hear it. I was beyond pissed and if I didn't leave he was going to die, the last thing I wanted was an assault charge. So I left, just started driving with no destination in mind. That's the beauty of not having roots you can up and leave whenever you wanted to. Yeah I had my dad but he was dead, he left me a hefty lump sum of money but I didn't put roots down anywhere, always been a bit of a drifter.

My dad raised me my whole life until I turned Eighteen and I left to travel the World. My mom died when I was two and she left me money too, couldn't touch it until I was Eighteen but non the less left me money, it was for whatever I wanted to do was with. So I traveled, man the World was beautiful. Ireland, Scotland, England, Germany, you name it I went there. Until my dad called me and told me to high tail back to California. He found out he had cancer and wanted me home.

That is where I stayed until I met Max, we hit it off pretty fast. I met him one night in a bar and started talking about anything and everything, from Sports to our favorite foods, favorite movies to favorite celebrities. I told him I was traveling until my dad found out he had Cancer so I came home to be with him. He beat the cancer or so I thought, it came back and took him from me.

Micheal Monroe was a great man, raised me by himself, worked hard and never complained. He would get a cold and still work, he broke his leg, arm, and still went to work the next day. He never gave up. He was part owner to a Mechanic shop where I learned the ins and outs of both bikes and cars. He wanted me to know what to do and didn't want me to rely on a man.

Now here I am driving down the road, no destination in mind. I know I should be paying attention to what I was doing but I didn't care my dad was dead and the man I thought I could spend the rest of my life with pushed me aside like I was nothing. So right now I didn't care, I decided to pull over at the gas station because I noticed my bike needed gas and I was getting tired. Need a little rest and some caffeine.

After I fueled up, got me some food and caffeine in me and rested for a while I decided to get back on the road and head off to wherever the road took me. I just passed a sign that said 'Welcome to Charming'.
It was a quiet little town, cute but small. Reminded me of Mayberry a bit, like it never came out of the Fifties, not that I am complaining because I love small towns, grew up in one myself up around the San Francisco area.

I pulled over again at this little park and just watched the people walk by. They seemed to be in their own little world, not a care to worry about. I felt at peace for the first time in a long time since burying my dad, that day was the hardest day of the life, I drank so much and honestly didn't care if I died from alcohol poisoning I lost my dad. I woke up the next day, well woke up to puke my guts up but non the less I woke up. I took it as a sign, it wasn't my time to go. Max wasn't any help, he was working or so he said.

I was sitting enjoying the sun until I heard the sound of a Harley but more than one. Like they were in a group, or a Motorcycle Club. I looked up and seen they were indeed a Club. They had Reapers on leather vests and it said ' SONS of Anarchy'. Now I was intrigued, they rode with so much confidence, so much pride and then I saw him. He had the happen to look my way and smiled this mega watt smile and I was done for, and just like that they were gone.

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