Chapter Four

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Tig's P.O.V

I needed to clean up and change before the party started. I knew my Amazon Goddess was some where back here because I saw Gem bring her back, what I wasn't expecting was to walk in on her in just a towel.

" Like what you see Ol' Blue Eyes?" I heard her ask me. Now usually I love to see a naked women, but with her it was different. I wanted to be respectful towards her, it was taking everything in me not to look at her, or throw her on the bed and ravious her body. What the fuck was wrong with me?

" Yeah doll I do but I am trying to be a gentleman and respect you. Can you please put some clothes on?" I asked and she just smirked at me, oh this little minx was going to be the death of me. I run my hand down my face and shook my head.

" Ok Ol' Blue Eyes I will because you asked so nicely, so I am going to turn around and go back to the bathroom to get dressed." She told me, so she grabbed her bag and as she was walking away she dropped her towel just as she got in the door. Man she had an ass you could bounce a quarter off of.

She was going to be the death of me, usually I am not like this but I didn't want to treat her like a Croweater and have a quick roll in the sac, no I wanted to wine and dine her. Get to know her, what makes her tick, favorite movie, shit like that. Call a pussy all you want to, but this was my Goddess and will be treated as such.

So finally she came out and damn my heart dropped, she was wearing a Leather Corset that showed off her perfect tits, her pants looked painted on were also leather and her boots just added to her whole outfit. Man she was so fucking gorgeous, and she was going to be mine.

" Doll, we need to talk before we go out to the party. I want to ask you a couple of questions ok?" I asked her because I wanted to know why she was traveling, and also if there was a man in the picture, plus I wanted to do this before she got bombarded by the guys.

Cadence P.O.V

I had just walked out of the bathroom in my favorite Leather outfit and the look on his face was priceless. I was a walking wet dream for bikers and I was smirking until he said he wanted to talk. I knew this was coming before to long.

" Ok Tig what would you like to know?" I asked, and I called him Tig because I knew he was being serious, so I sat down and waited for him to ask away.

" Ok first things first what is your name?" He asked

" Cadence Monroe." I said

" Where are you from?" He said

" A small town outside San Francisco." I told him
" Sausalito to be exact, before you ask me that one. Look my dad died not to long ago, walked in on my ex boyfriend balls deep in a women that didn't even know he had a girlfriend. So I decided to get on my baby and ride." I explained

He was just looking at me and was taking in all I just said. Then he smiled at me and said,

" Well Cadence welcome to Charming and sorry for the questions but when you are the SAA of the Club I have to make sure you are not a threat to me or my Club. Sorry to hear about your dad, my condolences, and sorry about that piece of shit man that let a beautiful women go but thankful at the same time." He told me.

I smiled at him, he was hitting on me and honestly it felt great. He made me feel something that I haven't felt in a long time, Max was being distant a lot lately and I think he was cheating on me.

I am the type of person that doesn't believe in cheating, if you are not happy in a relationship just leave or talk it out with each other. If it can't be worked out then it wasn't meant to be.

" Look I wanted to clear my head and go back home but then I stopped in this town and met a man with the bluest eyes I have ever seen and I want to get to know you Alex." I told him

" Ok Cadence I get that, I want to get to know you too. When I walked in here and seen you in a towel it took everything in me not to put you on that bed and explore you but I don't want to treat you like a Croweater, I want to treat you better than that." He said to me.

I must had a look of confusion on my face when he said a Croweater, what the hell was that?

" A Croweater is a female that sleeps with a Member of the Club hoping to be a Old Lady but most of them are not cut out to be one. Usually they are used as a relieve fuck or blow jobs. When we take on a women to be our Old Lady we don't want someone that's been with everyone else and we want someone strong. Those girls are not strong enough." He said

I nodded my head in acknowledgment that I understood him and decided I will stick around for a while and get to know him and this Club. They seemed friendly enough and they must have liked me because they are letting me party with them.

" Well Ol' Blue Eyes is there anymore questions you have for me or can we go and party?" I asked

He looked at me and smirked,
" Yeah just one more question and we can go." He said, " Be my date tonight?"

I kissed him on his cheek to let him know my answer was yes.

" I would love to Alex." I said

Now it's time to meet the rest of the Club.

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