Chapter Nine

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Alex's POV

"I'm going to be a dad?" I sat there for a second and the look on Cadence face was worry, oh shit I am taking too long to answer. I am fucking excited to be a dad again.

" You not happy Alexander?" I was so worried he wasn't happy and a lack of a response was killing me.

" Of course I am happy Cadence, I'm fucking excited to be a dad again. I was just stunned at first, didn't think I had it in me to get another women pregnant."

It was true, as much sex I have had, sometimes unprotected I surly thought I wasn't capable to have anymore children. But my minx was pregnant and I couldn't wait to see her belly grow with my child.

" Marry me?"
" What?"
" I said marry me, I love you so much and I want to marry you, not because your pregnant but because I love you so fucking much. I want to spend the rest of my life with you."
" Ok."

Cadence's POV

Alex just asked me to marry him and wow could my life get any better, well besides my baby growing inside me. I'm going to be a mom, I honestly thought I couldn't get pregnant and here I was eight weeks pregnant.

" You think Gemma would help me?"
" Doll she'll be excited, planning your wedding and giving her a grandbaby she will be thrilled."

So the next day I went to work and had a talk with Gemma.

" Hey Ma."
" Yeah Baby?"
" Will you help me plan my wedding?"
" Say what? Alex asked you to marry you?"
" Yes and I want you to help me plan it."
" Baby I will be honored."

So we sat there and talked about it. We decided to have it in her back yard, I really loved her rose garden and it was a perfect place to have it. Something small, just the Club. Gemma said we could use the Clubs cabin for our honeymoon and I thought it was just perfect.

Alex and I decided to have the wedding in a couple of weeks, he wanted to be married before the baby was here and I agreed. We announced our wedding and pregnancy. They were shocked to say the least that Tig would settle down, but they were happy for us. I had asked Chibs to walk me down the aisle and he said he would be honored to, and I asked Gemma to me my Matron of Honor. You would thought she hit the lottery when I had asked her, and Clay was his Best Man.

Both of us headed out to go dress shopping, she was buying and I wasn't about to argue with Mama Hen.

" I think this one is the best we seen all day."
" I think you are right Ma."

It was stunning, since it was a little cooler but not too cool the dress was short sleeved with a deep neckline, the back was slightly open showing off my Crow and Cherry Blossoms. I was truly in love with the dress, Alex was going to die when he sees me in this.

It was the night before the wedding and we were having our parties, his at the Clubhouse and mine at Gemma's. He swore up and down he wouldn't touch the strippers the guys had ordered for the night, I told him I believe him and I wasn't worried. Gemma order male strippers for me as well, I was shocked to say the least but we had a blast. Like Alex said he wasn't going to touch the women, I didn't touch the guys. That is how our night went and I was so happy to have theses women in my life.

The next day Gemma made a huge feast for breakfast and was having the wedding catered, I told her she didn't have to make such a feast but she told me she wanted to make sure her grand baby was fed and her daughter taken care of. We all got ready and before I knew it Chibs was knocking on Gemma's door to walk me down the aisle.

" You ready Lass?"
" Yes I am Chibs, thank you so much."
" It is my pleasure to Lass."

He kissed me on the cheek and we left. When I got to the back yard I was so overwhelmed with joy, it was nicely decorated and the guys were standing up. Waiting for me to walk down the aisle to the man I love, he looked so handsome. Buttoned down shirt and dress slacks and shoes. His Kutte looking shiny, and his wild, crazy hair was slicked back and tamed.

We said our vowels and he added to his.

" I promise to treat you as good as my leather and ride you as much as my Harley." The last part the guys joined in and we all had a good laugh. It was a beautiful ceremony but the party was even better, the food look delicious as well as the cake, I was so overwhelmed with emotions.

" You ok doll?"
" Yes baby, just overwhelmed with emotions, this is so beautiful. Gemma out did herself.
" You're worth it Doll, and you are carrying my baby. I love you so much Cadence."
" I love you too Alexander, thank you for this and for our baby."

We partied the rest of the night and then we headed to the cabin for our honeymoon. It was fantastic, just the two of us. We made love on all of the surfaces, then went to the bedroom to continue our escapades. We finally came up for air when I told him I was hungry, he cooked for us and it was so delicious.

Eventually we made our way back to Charming and it was business as usual, me back in the office and him in the garage. I could watch him all day, he looked so handsome covered in grease and oil.

" Your staring."
" I can't help it, he looks handsome."
" You're hormonal."
" I know."

He managed to make it to all of my appointments and it warmed my heart, he amazed me everyday. He was so attentive lately, always telling me how beautiful I was. I would cry because I couldn't fit in my clothes, or my shoes. He would be sitting there and tell me sweet nothings in my ear. I fell in love with him even more, and then when we found out the sex he was so happy.

It was a boy and we was going to name him Filip Carlos Trager. A strong name for a strong little guy who was about to come into the world, my due date was around the corner and I was starting to get antsy.

" Doll calm down, he will be here before you know it."

And just like that my water broke and we headed to the hospital. Felip Carlos Trager came screaming into the world and he looked just like his dad.

I had my little family and I was so happy how my life was finally coming together. All because I decided to take a ride I got a man who worships me and a son who I adore. I was finally happy.

There you have it, my Alex story is over hope you enjoyed it.

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