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My name is Anyalesa Isabella Volturi~Cullen, and this is my story.

I wish I had a different life growing up in foster care system, the movis had this perfect story where the kids where adopted into this wonderful family, but not I, I had the worst, I left my foster home at the age of 16, pregnant with no family. Let me stay at the beginning of my story.

My mother taught me that no matter what happens in life you take it in stride and smile, yeah right. My mother was the best I was happy wanted for nothing, had everything I wanted and needed, from the latest fashions, to a bedroom fit for a princess, food was always on the table, she taught me everything from cooking to cleaning.

My Mother was Emily Patrice Volturi, she was beautiful sky blue eyes and penny copper hair she was my life always there for me no matter what, My father on the other hand wasn't there for me when I needed him. Edward Anthony Cullen. He was handsome from what I remember blonde hair, eyes shining like emeralds. I hate that man with my whole being. I remember teling my mom this she that I shouldn't but do.

My father used to be there all the time but as I got older the less I saw him, probably once or twice a month, that's it, he would come eat, give mom some money, and stay for a few minutes and leave. I asked my mother why daddy wasn't there she would tell me he works a very important job, I loved my parents very much but over time I didn't.

There was one a time in my life that I was happy it was getting close to fathers day and I made a card with my class, I was so excited to give it to him when Sunday came, I got up and dressed in the best dress that was in my closet and had my mother to cook a big dinner, I waited and waited for him but he never came, my mother said he had to work I got undressed and helped my mother clean.

The father daughter dance was coming up and I wanted to go, again I was excited thinking about me and him together to show everyone how pretty my daddy was. I asked he said no he couldn't go with me I was so upset that I ran and cried, I layed there thinking, about my daddy then it dawned on me we never go anywhere together not even McDonald's, I got up and went into the living room and looked around at all the pictures that decorated the room and I realized that my father wasn't in any of them at all.

My father stopped coming by by then I saw him two times a year my mother's birthday and mine. As the years I thought that maybe if I try harder and was smarter he would come home so I went to school learned got straight A's and awards, every time my mother was there clapping and cheering, I smiled but in the inside I wanted my daddy. When fathers day came around again they was making cards once again I decided I wasn't making one I picked up a book and started to read the teacher asked me why I wasn't making one I told her I have no father she smiled and left. I picked up my book and finished reading. Fathers day was here once again I didn't even think twice about it everyone Has they daddy maybe he was embarrassed of me. I don't know.

The day I needed him he didn't come. I got out school and found my mother on the kitchen floor I screamed and cried for help no-one came. I found out my mother had cancer and I called him told him I needed him my mother needed him, he didn't come. The hospital bills piled, medication alone was expensive and I decided to contact him again, all he said was he will take care of it. Edward sent somebody to pay the bill and bring some money. My mother wanted to home for four years I stayed by her side helped her with every thing the chemo was taking tole on her body her hair fell out and she started losing weight. I stopped going to school because she needed me I should be in high school or something instead I'm the adult.

My father stop sending somebody by with money instead we was getting a check every month for two grand my mother opened a bank account and put it in my name all she said was she wasn't going to be around forever.

My mother gave up, she stopped chemo, wanted to die couldn't take it no more, she gave me two necklaces the gold one had a V with a red ruby the other one silver was a lion with a shield or something she said those was my family's crest. I asked about my father she smiled and said there are somethings that I will understand when I get older, my father had another family that family comes first, she was his mistress, and I was a illegitimate child he didn't claim, she asked to forgive her in time.

My mother died that night, there was no funeral,no announcement, no obituary nothing, I her cremated, I felt as though my father didn't give a shit no calls, no checking on her, the only way I knew he was alive was from the bank deposits.

I held the necklaces and cried looking at the sky realizing that my mother was my fathers whore, and I was a bastard child, with nobody in the world to care.

I went to the group home and waited for the system to swallow me up.

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