Untitled Part 6

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As long as I could remember my father never gave a fuck who I fuck, the list was never ending, he enjoyed the stories I came back with, so I wondered why he didn't want me to fuck with my new stripper, I remember when we first met after she said her name he got spooked and dropped his drink, after we left he told me to stay away from her, begged me not to fuck her, I wonder what his problem was.

The years passed and pops always watched her from a distance I thought he wanted a play mate, there's nothing wrong with looking just don't touch, he won't do that to mom, even thought I was little I still remember the rumors of my pops having a goomah but it never was proved to be a fact.

One night my pops came home drunker then all outside he was mumbling something about being to late, mistakes, I didn't understand maybe he's losing his mind, he handed me a envelope with about thirteen grand in it and told me to have fun, I sat on the desk watching him he had a obituary in his hand I could see the cover, he glanced at it one more time before he locked it in safe.

Isabella was working out perfectly good with what she does, the schedule accommodated everybody with they available times, payroll was accurate and on time the only thing about her was she quite, and steers clear of dad, again I wonder why.

I have so business to the off since pops took mom on vacation, I hope they have fun, wonder if he still can get it up, I walked over to desk looking for the invoices to the shipment we have coming in when I ran across and folder that was stamped Anyalesa Isabella Volturi Cullen, who the fuck is that, I looked over the folder reading every word, all our basically said was she was an orphan at fifteen went to a couple different foster homes had a baby at sixteen, and no known father, but her last name in Cullen so she's related some how but if she was she wouldn't been on foster care it had an address in the file, I wonder.

I was in front of an worn down apartment building that needs to be condemned from the looks on the outside, apartment two is pin the first floor I rung the bell and didn't get an answer, some kid was walking out so I walked in I had to do a double take because I was sure that was Aro, shit I'm seeing things, I looked around before knocking no answer doing another scan around I didn't see nobody so I pulled out an atm card and swiped it up and down the crack in the door, it finally have away, the inside was quite, had a homey feel to it. I looked around I saw a picture on the stand that she was Isabella my worker, with her arms around the kid that just left the building, I looked at all of the pictures I knew I went crazy there was a younger Aro and Isabella together they had to be around fourteen fifteen, I don't know. I saw one close up of her and my eyes went straight to get neck, my family crest that looks like pops through he said he lost it but that was last year. That bitch stole it wonder how she got it. Why the fuck is her last name Cullen, who the fuck is she, she stole a double identity. Thief.

I was pissed when I arrived at La Cinco I knew she would be there, I wanted answers. I didn't get what I wanted at all but I did fire her ass.

Pops should be here in two days and hopefully he will have answers. I say down on the couch and my nanna came in she looked at me and smiled ran her hands through my hair

"My baby what bothers you, talk to your nanna" she sat down down and patted my leg I pulled out the necklaces and swung then back and fourth. Grandmother looked at them and paled.

"Where did you get these from, please don't lie to me what did you do" she had tears in her eyes.

"I snatched them off someone neck can somebody explain to me why she had then in the place" I told her everything down the first time I met Passion to today and looked over saw my grandmother crying.

"My grand baby was a stripper oh my lord" my grandmother walked away. Did she say grand baby and stripper nothing made since at all. I followed her in the kitchen where she was making tea.

"Did you say grand baby some body better start explaining something to me right now" I yelled I never yelled at my grandmother.

"Edward there are somethings that we don't speak of and Isabella is one of them but if you want to know so bad I will tell you sit down" she placed the tea on the table and made me and get a cup and got comfortable. I waited for her to begin, she took a deep breath and started

"Elizabeth my best friend she was part of the Volturi family, we played together, did everything together from marriage, to' kids, I had your father and she had Emily. They was inseparable those two me and Em would joke around and say they would marry. One night they house caught fire, and Elizabeth and James her husband died in the fire, Emily was here, when they started high school Edward and Emily grew apart Edward meet your mother Esme and fell in love, Elizabeth felt like an intruder to the relationship, after high school she moved away she had saved her mother's and father insurance she got an apartment one her own. Edward married Esme had you, Alice, and Rosalie. When I heard Emily had a baby I was excited but when I saw Anyalesa I knew but we called her by her middle name Isabella, she's a year or two younger than you but her and Alice is the same she just a month apart. Edward was what I called a man whore at the time he was fucking anything that would open her legs. Esme heard about one of many conquests and ripped him a new one. When she became pregnant with Rosalie she was sick out an bed rest your father left all that alone and cratered to your mothers every whim. I asked about Em and Isabella all the time he told me this family came first and they was doing just fine. I quit asking after a couple of time with same response." She stopped talking to drink get tea. I took a sip of mine I had so many questions to ask but she continued with her story

"Your father came to me one day and told me Emily was sick and in the hospital asking for my advice. I told him it was only right to take care of her, so I sent your cousin Johnny to take some money to the hospital to help pay for her bills, I went to see her because she was like my daughter, cancer she had cancer. Isabella couldn't do it on her own, so we opened a bank account on her name to help her, my other daughter was dieing and I couldn't do nothing to help, that was my grand daughter and I couldn't bring her home, couldn't claim her even though she had the Cullen last name it would be an embarrassment to bring an illegitimate child home to your wife, my loyalties are with this family they secrets are my secrets. The crests belong to Isabella she was the last standing Volturi but she was also a Cullen in my eyes I had them made to give to her to let her know she's not alone for her know where she came from, when everything is said and done that is your sister."

Grandmother say there looking down at her lap and cried.

"I don't even know when she died, I would of have went to the funeral paid my respects, helped Isabella any way I could, do you know when she died" she looked at me, giving me a watery smile.

"She died eighteen years ago, there's nothing to confirm it but that's at the time Isabella went from foster home to foster home, before she became pregnant at fifteen dad had her file in his desk at work, but that explains alot when I met her I hit on her, pops begged me not to, I hit on my sister, I wanted to fuck my sister, I watched my sister strip" I felt sick I wanted to throw up.

"Dad was looking at an obituary a while ago he put it in his desk Isabella gave it him do you think that was her mother's" I got up and went into the office I popped the lock and low and behold they it was. Emily Patrice Volturi.

I have it my grandmother and we look at all the pictures in it looking at Isabella close up studying her face you can see pops there her eyes was like ours green.

I sat there taking in all the information that was told to me before I hit Aro up I needed a drink and to vent this story what I didn't know was Aro had a story of his own.

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