Chapter 2

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I went from foster home to foster home it seemed as though nobody wanted to adopt a teenager, they just wanted the money, my clothes was getting to small and my shoes was falling apart, I was getting laughed at, made fun of at school, I decided to swallow my pride and use the money in the bank, I skipped school and went shopping brought me something nice, I would change clothes at before and after school leaving the new stuff in my locker.

I did make a friend finally her name was Angela Webber she didn't judge or make fun, I spent more time at her house then anywhere. That friendship lasted a year, until I went into another foster home, this was the forth home I'm been in they seemed excited to have me there, they had a son named Andrio, Aro is what they called him, he was a year younger than me. We hung out went everywhere to together, one thing lead to the next, before long we was sneaking into each other's room at night and making love.

Andrio's parents took an interest in me or so I thought asking me questions about my parents was they name, they really took an interest in my father asking me questions I couldn't answer, I told them his name Edward Anthony Cullen at that was it, that's all I knew.

A month had passed and I woke up sick as hell I ran to the bath room to throw up, as soon as I did I felt so much better and went to school, at lunch time it happened again I left school and went home, as I entered the house I heard his parents talking and then I heard Edward name in the conversation so I decided to be quite and listen

"I'm thinking about contacting Mr. Cullen and asking him for some support after all we do have his daughter, I think it's time for some reimbursement for the shit we brought" Mr. Draco said nothing the table.

"What he doesn't care about her if that's really his daughter do you think she would have been in the system? NO she would be living in the damn mansion they have not here" Mrs Draco said laughing.

"Yeah you right about that the only thing she has that looks like him is the facial structure and those green eyes but we don't know what her mother looks like. Her mother was probably one of his many whores. I'm still going to contact him." He said getting up and picking up the phone. I watched him dial a number I wondered how he knew my daddy. I smiled wondering if daddy was going to come get me. They spoke on the phone for a few minutes and he hung up.

"Mr. Cullen wasn't in the office but his son was I left his son my name and number and told him to have him to contact me about Anyalesa" he was walking out the kitchen I ran to the door opened it and slammed it close like I was just getting there.

"What are you doing here this early, you skipping school again" he asked standing there.

"No I wasn't feeling good today I think I'm getting the flu or something" I said walking up the stairs to my room. I heard the front door close and the car start up I walked out the room and to the kitchen both of them was gone. I picked up the phone and pushed redial and heard it ring.

"Cullen & Cullen imports and exports how can I help you" he man asked.

"Yes I would like to talk to Mr. Cullen please" I said trying to sound professional.

"This is he unless you called to speak to my father, I can I help you"

"My name is Anyalesa and yes I would like to talk to your father please" I said with tears in my eyes thinking this must be my brother. I heard music come on and waited.

"Cullen speaking how may I help you" it sounded like daddy but his voice was raspy.

"This Isabella, daddy can you come get me please" I cried.

"Isabella I can't come get you ask you mother to explain things and please don't call here again y'all need more money fine, I'll increase the deposits to twice a month four grand should be more than enough each month goodbye don't call here again you hear me" he hung up. I screamed daddy and didn't get answer . I dropped the phone and sat there crying.

I honored my fathers words I never called again. True to his word the amount increased I had a little over eighty eight grand in the bank, I didn't have shit to buy.

Another couple of months with throwing up, I knew something was wrong I made an appointment with the free clinic, I sat there feeling out paper work, family medical history was a problem so I left it blank, when the question when was your last menstrual cycle I thought back and tried to remember three months ago, I think, tears started falling and I held my stomach I just knew I was pregnant, the Dr called my name they did all these test, weight, temp, blood pressure, blood work, and finally had me to pee in a cup. I sat there trying to figure out what I was going to do maybe me and Aro could run away I had me then enough money. The Dr confirmed it I'm thirteen weeks. I thought I can do this. I cried all the way home.

I told Aro I had to talk to him it was very important. We went for a walk and I just blurted

"Aro what would you do if I said I was pregnant and we could run away together and have a good life" I asked looking down at the ground.

"What the fuck you mean you pregnant wasn't you on something, you trapped me so you could have a home, no you can get rid of today for all I care" he said walking off. I stood there for I don't know how long before I walked back to the house. Aro was sitting there with his parents. I blew out a breathe and just looked around Mr. Draco stood

"Anyalesa Aro told us you are pregnant and trying to trap him, you will be rid of that thing, and soon you skip school and does lord knows what, how do you know who the father is you could be a whore sleeping around" he shouted .

"You're fifteen and still in school do the right thing and think of the other options, abortion is the right thing, we can't have a pregnant teenager in my home of you would like to continue to stay here, you will do so" Mrs Draco left the kitchen followed by the rest of they family.

I went to school for the next couple of days trying to figure out how I'm going to do this abortion was not an option for me, this baby is my only family I have left that's my own. I looked for apartments everywhere no one would rent to a teenager so I had to think of a another way.

I went through all my papers everything looking for something anything that would help me, I smiled when I thought of away I could do this, I walked around the neighborhood till I found an woman a bum more like it I offered her two hundred dollars and took her shopping, for some clothes she cleaned up nicely, we went to look at apartments together, as mother and daughter, we found a two bedroom , that was already furnished, I had the bum to pay first, last, and security deposit, the landlord handed the keys over, and that was it I had my own apartment. I paid the bum and she ran off.

When I arrived back at the Draco's house they asked if I made any appointment yet, I just nodded my head, and said tomorrow. Aro didn't even look at me. That night I spent packing my belongings everything I owned, I finally had everything packed and fell asleep, the next morning I called a cab and moved. The utilities went in my mother's name along with everything else. I stopped going to school, my birthday came around I bought my own cake and ice cream, and threw my own pizza party, I sing happy birthday but instead of saying to you I said to me. I went to bed, I knew I had to find a job.

I found one at McDonald's at least it's something instead changed my name to Isabella A. Volturi. I dropped the Cullen from my name, and finally my life. I could do this I thought to my self as I rubbed my stomach.

New life New Name

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