Untitled Part 3

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10 years later

Today was my son's ninth birthday I can't believe it's been ten years already we still live in the same apartment I rented when I was fifteen. My son Antonio looks just like his father a carbon copy. Tony had all of Aro features he's hair was dark, Brown eyes everything screamed Aro it hurts sometime just to look at him. I decided to invite his friends from school to his party at Chuck E Cheese. He had a blast running and playing, at least he was happy. After the party I had to get ready for work this is my first day at a new club called New Moon, yes I'm a stripper it wasn't like we needed the money I just wasn't going to use that money that my father put into the bank. I did have some pride. I went home took a shower shaved, and got dressed, the babysitter arrived on time I gave Jen her money and left.

I sat in the dressing room wondering what I was really doing with my life, how did it get to this point, I thought it would be just my luck one on Tony's teachers or parents of his friends would be there, hopefully they wouldn't recognize me I with a wig and contacts my stage name was Passion.

I took to the stage and danced a couple of songs collected my money and left, as I putting the money in my locker, another stripper told me that the boss wanted me, I thought I did pretty good considering the money I made, maybe this was my first and last night. I walked over to to the VIP section and stood there, there was three men sitting there and lo and behold there was Aro my baby daddy sitting there I laughed and thought ain't this a bitch. One looked like a younger version of my father, and the last one was my father I held the necklaces I had on in my hand in case he decided to look at them.

I was greeted and told to take a sit. I looked over at Aro caught him staring I shook my head and smiled.

"My name is Edward and this is my father Edward Sr, my boy Aro what's your name I would like to know" my brother asked rubbing his hand up and down my arm this ain't right, I felt queasy.

"My is passion it's nice to meet you" I said moving away from his hand.

"Ok that's a stage name by what's your real name I would like to know all my employees on a first name base" shit I thought this can't be good but I smiled and moved over some more from his wondering hands.

"My name is Isabella Volturi" as I said that I looked over to where my father sat the expression on his face was priceless as he dropped his drink and said shit.

"Edward lets go let her get back to work it was a pleasure to meet you Isabella" he stood up and left. I looked around and pointed at the stage and excused myself got dressed and left.

I went home at got in bed and thought about today's event's I felt dirty, I took a shower, and stood there crying, I cried for everything my life, my mom, my dad who didn't even acknowledge me. When the water ran cold I got out.

I laid there not being able to sleep before I knew it the alarm was going off for me to wake up Tony and get him ready for school. Tony was sitting there looking around and smiling, when he said I love you mom it made my day, made me feel loved, maybe my life wasn't rainbows and unicorns, but it was something, I feed him breakfast and got him ready and we walked to school. I decided to clean while I had time, I packed up all the dirty clothes and went to the laundry mat. I folded clothes as they dried, by time I finished it was time to pick up Tony from school, my day went fast as it was time to get ready for work, I really need to find a real job, maybe.

Tonight was just another night danced made money and left I was looking for my father, but I didn't see him,or Edward, Aro was there but I acted like I didn't see him, it went on like this for about two years.

I didn't acknowledge my father and he didn't acknowledge me either he acted like I didn't exist. I stopped wearing my necklaces I took them off before I went to dance. I found another job that didn't require taking off my clothes. I was a waitress at the restaurant La Cinco. I worked my way up to manager in six years, of course I saw my father there on numerous of times, I wanted to speak to him ask him questions but I held my tongue.

Tony was coming in his age he would stay out late, sometimes didn't come home when he does he will be higher than a kite he says he has a job brings in good money, but I have no idea what he does, I asked he won't tell. I just hope it's nothing illegal.

I arrived at work early to do the schedule, when I walked in the office my father was there sitting at my desk I was shocked

"Good morning Mr.Cullen how may I help you" I asked looking around.

"Isabella I just wanted to speak to you I know who you are" he said looking at the pictures on the desk.

"I know who I am I'm Isabella C. Volturi and you are a dead beat dad" I said walking out the door. He slammed the door closed and yanked me.

"Isabella that was uncalled for I'm your father didn't Em explain anything to you at all" he said yelling

"Yes she explained everything to me how she was your whore and I'm a bastard child, your other family comes first, anything else I should know that about summed it up, have a nice day Mr. Cullen." I said opening the door I will not let him see me cry. I did the schedule and left have the excuse of being sick.

A week later I will find an envelope on my desk filled with cash with my name printed on it, I just the it in my filing cabinet and locked it, after three months of that I got feed up, went home and made an obituary up for my mother, i had them to print two off one for my father and one for me, I made sure there was pictures all over it so he can see how much he missed, I gathered the cash up too. The next day as he and his business partners sat down to eat I made many way over there

"Mr Cullen I would appreciate if you stop with the extra money you can't buy my love, and my mother died eighteen years ago" I placed the obituary down on the table with the envelope and walked off.

Tony didn't come home that was nothing unusual but after two days I got worried, I checked every hospital, they didn't have him, my next call was to the county jail. Tony was arrested for drug possession.

Could my life get any worse.

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