Untitled Part 5

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Tony was in jail, hopefully the judge will take pity on him, I couldn't do it drugs what was he thinking. Today was his court day I had faith that everything will be fine. Tony got four years probation. We was going to have a long talk when get home I wasn't playing with his ass the car ride was silent ask way home.

"What do you have too say for yourself Tony drugs really what the fuck is wrong with you" I waited for him to start talking.

"My friend Damon he has everything, flat screen, play stations, Xbox, all the games, I wanted it his pops name is Aro he hooked me up said its something about me that he liked" he hung his head after that. I blew out a breath Aro had my son his son our son selling drugs.

"Look you will not hang out with those people anymore you understand me" I yelled at the end.

"But mom I can't I owe him money" he jumped up

"I will take care of it after this no more I'm not bailing you out of nothing else you understand" I went to get my purse and walked out the door.

"How much do you owe this man"

"Three grand I was late making a payment I brought new clothes" he said

I arrived at the bank and took out five just in case. Tony had me driving an hour and a half before we arrived at this mansion looking house. I got out and looked at him he finally got out the car.

I ring the door bell and Aro answered it looking shocked I can't understand why they haven't added it all together they looked like twins. He opened the door he gestures for us to come in and led me to an office and closed the door he looked at Tony like he wanted to kill him.

"To what do I owe this pleasure Tony you put your moms in this and what I'm supposed to take a loss because you got pinched I still have to pay so do you your moms can't help you unless she got three grand in that purse of hers" Aro looked from Tony to more me.

"Mr Aro may I speak to you in private yes I have your money but what I have to say to you I don't want him in here i hope you understand" I have him pleading eyes

"Tony you can join Damon in his room go play a game or something" he opened the door and after Tony walked out he closed it again sat behind his desk and motioned for me to continue.

"You look good Aro of course you always did from what I could remember" I smiled thinking back to all those years ago.

"Do I know you, you look like someone I used to know" he said squinting his eyes.

"Look here's your money please leave my son alone don't have him doing you bidding. He's yours to you know if you look at him it's like looking in the mirror isn't it Aro." I said looking out the window.

"My son you say his is he my son I don't know you I met you at a strip club and I know for a fact I didn't hit it. Sorry you don't know who's the father is not it s sure in the hell ain't me" he hit his desk with his fist.

"Aro you know me you know me well. I'm not sorry I never had the abortion when you asked me to, I just couldn't, did you even look for me after I left. One day there and gone the next. Well it was fun catching up with you but I have to go." I said getting up.


"Yes, that's my name sorry Aro I really am" I turned to look at him.

"So you telling me that you never has an abortion and Tonys mine, seventeen years I had a son and you didn't tell me, you felt as though I didn't have a right to know is that what you telling me" he yelled and when he looked up he saw Damon and Tony standing in the door way.

"Yes that's what I'm telling you I told you, you said get rid of it and walked away from me didn't talk to me at all. Like I said goodbye don't contact my son no more". I grabbed Tony and left all I heard was he's my son to.

Tony didn't look at me at all just went to room and shut the door. I really wanted to tell him a long time ago but how much do you tell your son his father didn't want him. Hopefully one day he will understand. I looked in the mirror I was tired dead on my feet, I needed to go to sleep I have to be at work in six hours I have to do pay role and scheduling.

I sat at my desk rubbing my temples I feel a headache coming on, I closed my eyes and laid my head on my desk before my door hit the wall. There stood Edward not my father but my brother and looked pissed

"I have a few questions for you and I would like truthful answers starting now who the fuck are you" he asked slamming the door

"I'm Isabella Volturi why do ask what did I do wrong" I was scared my heart was pounding out of my chest.

"Don't fucking play with me bitch I'm warning you" he said yanking me up by my neck. He looked down at the medal that hit his hand, he picked up the silver one that had the lion and the shield on it, he snatched my necklace off.

"Who did you steal this from, where did you find it I find you a job and you steal from me, you fucking bitch how dare you" he screamed at looked at my necklace.

"I didn't steal that my mother gave it to me before she died one crest in my mother's family and the other my fathers"

I tried to catch my breathe but my nose was stuffed up with snot from crying.

"Father's side or mother's side you are no Cullen, pack your shit and get the fuck out" he said walking off.

I sat there trying to figure out what the fuck just happened, I packed out up the schedule and turned in pay roll before I left. I sat in my car for a while before I pulled off, I got hit from the side another car ran into me before I blacked out.

I woke up in a basement of some sort how the fuck did I get here?

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