|10 - Sulky|

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Almost another week passed and I had plans with Tanner for the night. He was gonna take me out to dinner and a movie. Cliche, I know, but I'd rather have cliche than what happened last time.

I was eating a sandwich and watching Riverdale with Alyssa. I'd told her that it was Ethan and I's thing and naturally, she teased me about it. However, Ethan and I hadn't really talked in days. He had been sulking in his room about who knows what.

Like clockwork, he came in from work, going straight to his room with this blank expression. He didn't even say hey. That wasn't like him and he wasn't acting like himself.

"Wonder what's wrong with him," Alyssa sighed shortly.

"I'll get it out of him later," He seemed pretty upset at the moment so I was gonna give him time to cool down a bit.

It really didn't feel right watching Riverdale without Ethan, so we watched The 100 instead. After a few episodes, Alyssa said she was heading to work. I had to get ready for my date anyway.

I had my outfit laid out on the chair in my room already, so I was able to get dressed pretty quickly. I did my makeup, y'know the usual, and my hair was already done in box braids. We were supposed to meet at the movies because he had something to do beforehand but he was gonna drive us to dinner afterward.

I ordered my Uber and checked myself in the mirror one last time. I opened my door and Ethan made eye contact with me before he rushed from the bathroom into his room and shut his door. His eyes were red and his hair was all over the place. Had he been crying?

I was about to knock on his door but I got the notification saying the Uber was outside. I grazed my fingers over his doorknob but decided I should just ask later.


"Thank you," I said to the Uber driver as I got out of the car. I went into the theater and took a seat on one of the benches. I messaged Tanner to tell him I was there.

I sat and watched all of the people walk by and have conversations. After about five minutes, I checked my phone again and had no messages from Tanner. I gave him the benefit of the doubt because I knew he had something to do beforehand. Maybe it was taking longer than he'd expected.

20 minutes passed, then 40. At the hour mark, I was pissed. I texted him not to bother talking to me ever again and ordered another Uber.

I was aggravated the whole ride home. He'd fucking stood me up completely. Wonder what his new excuse would've been. Didn't matter anyway, he could've considered himself blocked. Maybe I was overreacting because of how pissed I was. I don't know.

I stormed into the house and past Ethan who was on the couch. I went straight to my room and shut the door. I sat down on my bed and just got lost in my own mind. A knock on my door broke the cycle of angry thoughts.

"Come in," I said quietly. Ethan opened the door and stood in the doorframe.

"What happened?" he asked.

I sighed, "Fuckin' Tanner. Didn't even show up this time."

"He stood you up?" Ethan asked semi-angrily, "What's up with that guy? He's an idiot."

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