July 13, 2012

264 13 0

Dear Diary,

I've decided to start writing a journal of some sort, hoping to ease my mind a bit.

I need somebody to tell my secrets to, and I think this is the safest way to do it.

Right now I'm at my dad's house for the week, as he gets visitation during the summer for longer amounts of time. I'm just hoping to get it over with, because I hate being here for so long. The only thing I do is sit on my butt and play video games or watch movies. It's sort of grossing me out. For example, do you know that really gross feeling you get when all you do is sit down for a long period of time? That's how I'm going to be feeling this week. Ugh. I just hope that it'll fly by fast, so I can get back to hanging out with Olivia and my boyfriend Weston.

Anyways, I should probably go soon to eat supper, we're having steak and I need to call Olivia to rant a little. Diary, you give me a chance to speak and elaborate without interruption, but I guess I need my best friend to answer to my gossip.



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