Chapter Six

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Caitlin winced at the pain of the incision. Her grip on Barry's hand tightened as a result; reddening it in the process. She looked over at him, her eyes were wet with apology.

"This wasn't supposed to happen, Barry. I'm so scared" she whimpered through the pressure; envisioning the home birth she had planned.

For the first time in years, Barry saw a side of Caitlin that she had been wary of letting people see. Where there was usually a confident, logical and headstrong woman now lay a vulnerable one; who was well aware of what was at stake. Unlike the time she was awake to direct Julian during her shrapnel removal, this time two lives were in jeopardy. The haunting mantra of, "one can not live if the other survives" encircled her brain.

"You can do this. After everything you've gone through, you will get through this. We will have our child. You're the strongest person I know, Cait" Barry said with the utmost certain look in his reassuring eyes.

There was an unnamed comfort in the way he called her 'Cait'. It felt different compared to Zoom or when Ronnie as the disturbed, early rendition of Firestorm did it. After Ronnie, she never allowed anyone to call her that; running away from the possibility of ever becoming close to anyone ever again. But when Barry did it, it felt like she was home.

She pursed her lips and shook her head rapidly. Even as Killer Frost lay dormant inside of her, she could sense the meta's anxiety; evident in the way her temperature and heart rate slowly began to drop.

Of all the moments he felt time speeding up, this life altering event seemed to move at its own pace. Barry came to the conclusion that perhaps Cinderella's Fairy Godmother was right, "even miracles take a little time".

"Caitlin, I need you to stay calm in order for this to go smoothly" Dr Cooper said as he noted the increase in Caitlin's heart rate.

"But my baby" Caitlin fretted, on the verge of allowing those suppressed tears waterfall down her face.

"We're nearly done, just hang in there" Dr Cooper said.

"One of us isn't going to make it. I'm sorry, Barry" she began to cry.

"Don't say that, babe" Barry pleaded.

He then snapped his fingers as he was met with a solution to calm his wife.

"Cait, look at me" he insisted.

She did as he asked. The anxiety in her eyes never wavering as she held his gentle gaze.

"Do you remember the night I proposed?" he asked.

Caitlin nodded rapidly.

"Your speedster boyfriend slowly walking towards you and singing as finishes on bended knee isn't something you'd be quick to forget" she answered, nearly out of breath.

"Well, did I ever tell you about the night when I knew I wanted to marry you?" he continued, shifting his eyes to the side.

She shook her head and bit down on her lower lip to keep from shattering any glass in the room. She had heard Cisco and Iris's version of the story; which was short and sweet.

The pair had discovered Barry on the rooftop of Jitters, taking a breather after battling Music Meister alongside Kara; which placed them in a joint coma in the eyes of those who didn't know better.

"Kara tells us you have quite the voice" Iris said; this was something Caitlin already knew.

"Is that why you came out here? To work on your solo in peace? No big deal, only the entire city could hear you from up here" Cisco joked.

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