Chapter Fifteen

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Barry wordlessly gave Wally a nod, confirming that they had arrived at the correct time. December 11 2013. Throughout the endless sea of people in attendance, Wells stood out as he addressed the anxious crowd.

"Tonight, the future begins" he said as more people flooded in. The flashes that emitted from cameras and smartphones threatened to compromise his vision all the more. "Our understanding of physics will bring about advancements in power, advancements in medicine..."

Barry was quick to drown out Wells's words as his eyes locked on Clifford and Marlize Devoe. Suddenly the similarities between the explosion and enlightenment and the men behind them made sense. A small smile then found its way across Barry's face as he spotted Caitlin standing faithfully by Wells's side. Back then, she and Cisco had no idea who they were really working for.

'So this is what you were like before your world was turned upside down', Barry thought as he continued to admire the brilliant young doctor in silence. He then let out an awestruck sigh; wondering how different their story would have been if they had known each other then.

Silently but swiftly, Barry and Wally found the back entrance to Star Labs; which would lead them to the elevator to the cortex.

"Why are we going this way? Why don't we just speed into the time vault?" Wally asked.

"Because this is a big moment, Wally. Thawne's been planning this moment for fourteen years. If we use our speed, he'll feel it" Barry responded in a whisper.

A shiver coursed through Wally's spine as he and Barry tiptoed by the bars that imprisoned Grodd. The super gorilla growled in his sleep.

"Dr Wells, the particle accelerator is primed and ready for particle injection" Cisco announced.

"I feel like I should say something profound" Wells said as he circled the room. "One small step for man..."

"What's going on?" Wally asked.

"Wells is about to blow up the city" Barry said, his olive green eyes widened as he watched the plan unravel. It was one thing to be caught in the middle of it, and another to be witness to the process. A pang of guilt hit him like a ton of bricks to the chest as he watched Caitlin smile at Ronnie.

Standing in the company of his team, Wells was about to turn on the particle accelerator when he caught sight of Barry and Wally. Without saying a word, he went looking for them; which left Caitlin and Cisco incredibly confused.

Wells wandered down the hall of the cortex, looking for the part in the wall that led to the time vault. Barry and Wally were nowhere to be seen. A jolt of red lightning spread throughout his hand. But he was quick to stop it as Caitlin and Cisco joined him in the hall.

"Dr Wells, are you okay?" Cisco asked.

"Yeah, I'm great" Dr Wells nodded. "Caitlin, do you think you could get Ronnie to run the particle accelerator parameter numbers just one more time? Just for good measure".

"Sure" Caitlin nodded. As she was steps away from the exit, she stopped in her tracks as Wells called for her again.

"And, Caitlin, the bottle of Dom we've been saving..."

"Is today the day?" Caitlin asked, a glimmer of hope in her eyes.

"I think today might be the day" Wells confirmed, reciprocating that glimmer of hope.


Elsewhere in present time, Caitlin had just finished singing Wyatt to sleep with the help of Grease's Summer Nights and Rent's Life Support. This bought her and Iris time to practice using Killer Frost's hologram.

"I'm sorry you can't actually be there to kick Cicada's ass. We could really use someone who can knock him out cold" Iris said, noting the subtle look of disappointment on Caitlin's face.

"It's okay" Caitlin said. "I have faith that you'll manage without me. Wyatt is good company, anyway".

"Plus, you and Barry heal quickly. You'll be back on the field in no time" Iris replied.

Caitlin's heart unexpectedly began to race a thousand miles per second. Her eyes widened in concern as she looked from Wyatt to Iris.

"What is it?" Iris asked.

"Barry" Caitlin said. Deep in the recesses of her mind, she could picture Barry and Wally eavesdropping on Wells through the wall of the time vault. Now they were seeking Gideon's help.

"Gideon, the particle accelerator is about to explode. I need you to recalibrate the systems chain reactions so some of the dark matter is repositioned into this vial" she heard him say.

"Caitlin, what's happening? Is something wrong with him?" Iris asked, startling her back to reality.

Caitlin shook her head. A smile spread across her face two seconds later as she heard Gideon say, "recalibration complete".

For a brief moment, she looked adoringly at Wyatt asleep in her arms.

"Barry's on his way home" she sighed. 

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