Chapter Seventeen

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Three and a half weeks later...

Barry and Caitlin were adjusting well to finally having Wyatt at home with them. However, there were a couple of times throughout the night where Caitlin would wake up on her own just to admire the infant. Despite the fact that he was by her side 9 times out of 10, she still couldn't believe that he was real.

"It's still so surreal to me that he's home" Caitlin sighed as she looked down at the newborn in her arms.

"He's not going anywhere, and neither am I" Barry responded, circling the Christmas tree for the last gift that had gone unopened.

Since this was their first Christmas with Wyatt, Barry and Caitlin decided to keep it simple and intimate. Everyone sat by the fire exchanging gifts while their favourite Christmas movies played in the background. Cisco and Ralph exchanged a look that indicated a telepathic suggestion after Elf had finished, per Barry's request.

"Frozen" they said in unison, shooting a glance at Caitlin who had just come from across the hall; having checked on Wyatt.

The young, attractive bio-chemist rolled her eyes and smirked as Killer Frost made her weekly appearance.

"Will you ever let it go?" Killer Frost asked, immediately regretting her choice of words. But what else could she expect as she watched Cisco and Ralph attempt their best at the chorus of the Academy Award winning song?

Meanwhile, Wyatt had fallen asleep listening to his mother's explanation of Christmas.
"We cut down trees and sing songs to celebrate the birth of a baby two thousand years ago. the Romans killed him so we give each other gifts..."

Barry later confessed to that being the moment he was certain Caitlin would be an amazing mom.

"Mr Allen, what are you up to?" Caitlin asked, the intrigue was aglow in her milk chocolate brown eyes as Barry handed her a small blue Tiffany box. The card on top was, like her, short and sweet. It read: To my christmas miracles.

Caitlin eyes shifted from Barry to Wyatt in uncertainty; thinking that she hadn't reached the point of multi-tasking with a baby just yet.

"Here, switch" Barry chuckled as he cradled his son in his arms. Wyatt grunted in his father's company; sensing that he had been transferred.

"Oh, it's okay. Daddy just got me a present" Caitlin said softly.

Her hands trembled in anticipation as she carefully untied the white silk ribbon; saving that and the note for her memorabilia journal. Her jaw dropped to the floor as a navy blue velvet box landed in the palm of her right hand. The box contained a silver heart-shaped locket with a snowflake on the front; which had a little diamond in the center.

Upon opening the locket, a single tear fell from the corner of Caitlin's eye. On the left side, she was met with an elegant engraving that read: quite the pair. On the right side was a copy of their first photo as a family; which Felicity had taken when she and Oliver last visited.

"It's perfect" Barry sighed as Caitlin finished putting it on.

"Thank you, Mr Allen" Caitlin responded dreamily.

"Thank you for giving me the greatest gift of all, Dr Snow" Barry said as they shared a kiss under the mistletoe.

As they broke apart, Barry handed Wyatt back to Caitlin. He wrapped an arm around them both as the little family continued their movie marathon and the world around them was blanketed in the falling snow.

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