Heavy Breathing

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I woke up to my alarm. I hated waking up, at least it was night time. I really hate sleeping any where but in my own bed but I had to do these guest appearances. I got into the shower and thought about the past month. Ty and I have been dating very secretly. Some of my warriors, which are my fans, think we are dating or want us to start. We aren't moving too fast. I scrubbed my body and let the hot water run down my muscles. I was nervous to be physical with him and I don't want to rush things. I got out of the shower and began getting dressed. I put on a dark blue wig. I had my crew grab my wardrobe and things. As I headed out of the hotel everyone was screaming.

"Zaria, do you like Italy? "

"I love it here the food is amazing. ", I answered

"When will the next album come? "

"Maybe in a year.", I responded

"Are you dating?"

"I might be. ", I said coyly

I headed to the arena early and was in hair and makeup. I got two texts. One from my manager, Julie and one from Ty.

I know you are about to rip the stage baby. Go out and make daddy proud.

He could be very annoying. I rolled my eyes and said I got you. I'll be thinking about you. The other text was a link to an interview Lil Kim did. She was saying I was stealing her sound and flow. Also that I was washed up and what not. I didn't even watch all of the interview. The director came in, I ripped the show, the crowd was extremely wild. I was walking back to my dressing room when K. Foxx stopped me for an interview.

"So Lil Kim did an interview earlier and said that she feels disrespected and in a way hurt. ", she noted

"Oh really, I didn't know that she said that. Why does she feel that way?", I played dumb

"She said that you didn't ask her to be on your album as a feature.", she responded

"Well, I did call her team and I guess it was a miscommunication and it got lost in the mix. I would have loved to have her on the album.", I mended

"Well, she goes on to say you stole her flow and you are an overrated rapper.", she pushed

"Im not sure what she means by I stole her flow but I would say Im a bit overrated. I don't think Im as good as my fans hype me to be. I have nothing bad to say about Lil Kim, I have no ill thoughts towards her. She an icon in her own way. ", I said

My crew and I hopped on the next plane to Jersey. I slept the whole ride back. I woke up when we landed, eager to see Ty. We went through the whole security thing. Fans met me in the terminal, once I walked down. I took a few pictures and what not. I met up with Ty and we side hugged, he put my things in the trunk and helped me in the car.

"Can we stop and get breakfast? Im extremely hungry. ", I wondered

"Sure.", he said

We mostly drove in silence until we got the restaurant. I ate and he questioned me about the trip and I ranted on about the crowd and the stage, how beatiful Italy was. I wasn't sure if he was paying attention. I even mentioned what Kim said.

"Yea, I heard it this morning. Don't sweat it, she picks a fight every one. ", he mumbled

We drove home... well my house, in a normal silence.

"Have you written your bars for the awards? ", he wondered

"Actually I haven't. They want a femme cypher. So I think it's me, Nicki, Eve, Remy and Azealia Banks. It's a dope look but Im going to need to go hard.", I mentioned

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