Coming to Reality

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B. B.'s Block

I went right back to ignoring Tyreec. I mean how could I be so stupid? I wish he hadn't done this because I still care about him but I guess we will never know. I was on my way to this damn anger management class. I honestly hated sitting there for an hour every week. I really had no choice but I did learn that holding in how you feel is what usually causes altercations. So I decided that I would talk about how I feel. I have never been the person to try to clear the air first but I think I should because we might be feeling the same way. So it was Wednesday and I went around the corner to where I knew they would be.

"Can we talk, Angela?", I asked

"Why should I talk to you.", she said

"Listen, I shouldn't have said what I said about Tyreec always being mine. I mean if it makes you feel better we haven't even had sex. I mean I understand that I sort of antagonized the situation. I mean I don't want to be friends or anything but I'm sure we can be cordial. We could talk over dinner..or ..", I said

I watched her as she thought about it. It had been a week since the fight. Her face wasn't swollen but she still had a black eye and she got a new sew in. I scratched my head, damn that probably hurt getting your hair or weave pulled out.

"Well yea, we go out to dinner. No fast food place though.", she said while putting her hand on her stomach.

"Okay, should I pick you up or can you drive?", I wondered

"I'm not nine months, I can drive.",  she laughed

We picked a place and a time. And of course Tyreec would come around the corner and see us. He kind of did a double take. When he got over to us, I noticed he sort of looked dead, like he wasn't living.

"Beatrice.", he whispered

"Yea, Ty?", I asked

"We need to talk..", he managed

"I have to go.", I said

I was about to turn away when warm hands wrapped around my wrist. I glanced down and saw pink nail polish and looked up to be met with Angela's face.

"Maybe you should talk to him, instead of me.", she said

I slid my arm from her grip.

"No thank you.", I said

I drove home and went straight upstairs to my room. I felt like crying but I couldn't...more like I wouldn't let my body do that to me. I wouldn't cry over a boy ...I think I was upset that I wasted time on him. My phone vibrated.

Icecream. Its rocky road. -C

I went downstairs to a bowl of ice cream. She knew me best. I ate pretty much in silence.

"You know you both need each other. You two were good, I know it ended before it started, but wouldn't you want to know how it all ends?", she asked

"He is going to have a child, I know how it ends.", I mumbled

I took my bowl upstairs and looked out of the window. Damn just like my father. I went over to my shelf and opened a book and started reading. My phone started to vibrate, I looked down it was Tyreec. I really should block him but something in me didn't want to. It was about the time to go meet up with Angela. I got dressed again and put on a pair of jeans some boots and a tank top with my leather jacket. I drove out to the restuarant and she was already waiting  for me. I sat down at the table across from her. She had her hair pulled back into a ponytail, now.

"Listen, I would have never thought that I would say this but I think you should go after Tyreec. I only say this because you are willing to let him go for the chance of him having a family with me. I know you want to believe that it's becuase you're mad at him but I think it goes much deeper than that. All I have to say is this; do not let him get away, he can be a real sweetheart when he has someone who is worthy of it.", she said

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