Chapter Eight

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Aurthor's Note: I know I'm putting pictures back to back but what good is having a character if you don't know what they look like? Plus I know my women readers aint complaining about all that mancandy, okay! lol Anyways comment and let me know what you guys are thinking. (Good or Bad).


**Marcus pictured to the side**

"Hey .. umm .. do you want something to drink?"

I dropped my keys on the coffee table and folded my arms as I stood in place.

"I didn't come here for a damn drink Marcus, You wanna talk, then talk."

"Can you at least have a seat then?"

I walked around and sat down on the couch and he sat down across from me.

"Listen Lauren, I'm sorry about the way things went down a few days back.. It was dumb of me to call you someone else's name.."

"And by someone else you mean your mistress.?"

".. It was a mistake.." He said looking down at the floor.

"How long have you been seeing her?"

He thought for a minute and right then I knew it had to been going on for a while..

"About six months now, It started when I got the new job promotion and the guys took me out to celebrate with drinks, she was the bartender who took our orders and it went from there.. now .. now she's pregnant.." He stared at the carpet.

I dropped my head when the words rolled off his lips.

"Tell me this Marcus, what caused you to go off and find another woman? Was my loving not good enough for you? huh?"

He rubbed on his beard before he answered.

"I don't know why I cheated Lauren .. it just happened okay."

Marcus had clearly struck a nerve because now I was pissed off and yelling.

"How the hell you just gone sit there and say it just happened? Cheating don't just fucking happen Marcus! You don't just trip and fall into pussy! You don't just put yo' dick in a bitch by mistake Marcus!"

"I said I was sorry Lauren damn!"

"Sorry don't mean shit Marcus! We've been together for six years! SIX YEARS Marcus and you go and do some fucked up shit like this!" I yelled standing up from my seat and making hand gestures with every word I said.

Tears began to fall from my eyes. My emotions hit me all at once. I didn't know whether I wanted to be sad or mad.

"All I ever did was love you Marcus.. Why can't I get the same in return?" I asked through my tears.

He got up from the couch and walked towards me.

"I'm sorry baby.."

"I was suppose to have your first child Marcus, not her! Me.. it was suppose to be me.. !" I cried out as I pounded on his chest.

It had been a while since I let Marcus touch me and right at this very moment, thats all I wanted. Marcus wrapped his arms around me as I cried into his chest. He started kissing my shoulders as he held me tight.

"I know baby,If I could change it all I would."

Him saying those words only made me cry harder.

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