A Deal With Death

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Hey guys so just a heads up the title may be misleading but yeah. Onto the story.

(Moon's POV)

Moon was hit hard in the side and landed with something pure white landing on her. Then it talked. "You should've watcher your back like I said." "Look Hailstorm we can make a deal." Moon heard someone say from the bushes. "Oh yeah what kind of deal?" "One that only involves Scarlet dying a horrible death not Moon. So just put the knife down and let's just negotiate." "Fine but come on one cut on the shoulder so it looks like I tried." "Wow you have quite a few screws loose don't you. "Shut up or I will kill this Nightwing." "Ok let's start negotiating Hailstorm." So they started negotiating and stuff like that and came to the conclusion that Hailstorm would go to the Ice Kingdom and tell the Icewings to kill Queen Scarlet. "They won't do that even if I tell them what happened." "Your right!" "Well backup plan we grab a Animus and have them enchant it to look like Moon's head." "Did someone say they need an animus?" Someone said from behind the bushes it was Anemone. They negotiated with her and came to an agreement. Anemone grabbed a stone and said the words. I enchant this stone to look like the head of Moonwatcher of the Nightwings and like that it looked like Moon's head. "Perfect looks just like you." Winter said. "Hahaha sure it does." They gave the fake head to Hailstorm. "Perfect." When they got back to hunting Moon showed Winter the best speed to catch prey in the mountains. They had science next they then had lunch Moon and Winter ate at the same corner. "Do you think Scarlet will fall for the fake head?" "She's the dumbest dragon in Pyrrhia of course she will." Later Moon and Winter we're in their sleeping cave when  something came through the opening in the hall then there was a loud bang as fire hit the object when it exploded.

Will continue next chapter a 2,000 word chapter since I got a vote and follower. Chapter ten will be the longest chapter. Bye for now.

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