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Sometimes I sit near the dark corner,
And watch my silver tears drip down and further,

The only voices that I hear,
Are of my mind, whispering to me, in fear,

I see a funeral in my head,
Breathless and dead, my hopes are led to a hollow grave bed,

My dreams and hopes fly up and away in the sky,
What whimpering of a mess am I,

"When will all of this be over"
Till I could freely dance under the cold rain shower,

My soul is week but my skeletons are strong,
I might be broken but these bones have held me for so long,

This darkness will keep haunting me from pole to pole,
But years shall pass till I find peace in my skeletons and soul,


Sometimes there are stuff that are unexplainable while there are somethings that have millions of way that it can be easily answered.

To me this is the thing that I find it hard to grasp »

"Crying soothes the storms that comes in our way,
But what makes these frightening thoughts go away?"

Wingless DreamsWhere stories live. Discover now