Jewel POV
"King where the hell you been!!" I walked up to king all in his face. "If you let me fuckin talk I'll tell yo over reacting ass!" I just stood and looked at him. "Fine, I'm listening".
**king POV**
I took jay by the hand and let her to the couch and sat her in my lap. I wrapped my arms around her waist and kissed her forehead. "Baby, I got up to go to the grocery store and Ari was up so I bathed her and took her with me. I told her not to wake you up cause you needed your sleep and we was coming right back. We locked the house and left to go to the store. That's it, but you came here yelling and trynna bitch at a nigga.. Like for what jay damn? What I'm doing wrong???? And if you don't believe me,.. Hold on". He sat me to the side and walked to Ari's room. "Princess, can you come here for daddy please?" She ran to his arms and looked at me. "Can you tell jayjay what we did this morning??" I put her down and she stood in between my legs. "Mommy, daddy and me went to the gwocery store and bought food for the house and your favorite breakfast so we could come home and cook for you but you didn't lemme twalk you yelled at me and you ywelled at daddy for no reason. You hurt our feewlings mommy". She took off running towards her room and slammed the door.
Jewel pov
King called after Ari trying to calm her down. "Princess, princess!!!!" I just stood there looking dumb and feeling guilty. My head hung in shame and I walked over to king. "Baby, I'm so--" "Nah jay, save it. Yeah, I love you but you was foul for that shit you just pulled. I gotta go fix this". He moved my arms and jogged to Ari's room. I put up all the groceries and sat in the hallway and cried myself to sleep. About 20 minutes later I felt myself being lifted off the floor. I was being carried bridal style to our bedroom. "Baby, where's ari??" "I put her in her pajamas cause she said she was tired and put her to sleep". I took the big shirt off just leaving me in my boy shorts and tube top. I felt the other side of the bed move and that's how I knew king got in Bed with me. He wrapped his arms around me. I turned around so that we were face to face. I played in his hair then locked eyes with him. "Jay, baby you been crying????" I just put my head down and turned the other way. He sat up and put me in his lap. "Baby, why you been crying????" I looked up at him and tears began to form in my eyes again. He lifted my chin up with his index finger.

Finding a Thug ..
RandomJewel is a young girl raised by her father and the streets. Her mom quit caring and started taking drugs. Her father passed away a few years ago, she is left alone to take care of her little sister but need more money because bills are piling up. Sh...