I walked into Ari's room and took out her Minnie mouse panties and onesie. I ran her bath water and made sure it was warm enough for her. I took off her jewelry and her bow and sat it on her dresser. I neatly placed her shoes and belt back in the closet where it belonged. I brushed up her hair into a nest curly ponytail and took her inside the bathroom. I began to undress her so that I could put her in the bath tub and put her back to bed. She woke up right before I got her in the tub. "Ari, baby you need to take a quick bath and you could go back to bed okay?" She nodded her head and let me bathe her.
I drained the water out the tub and took her out to dry and put on her clothes. "Jayjay?" Ari called me breaking the silence. "Yes baby?" "Why did mommy want twoo hwurt me? Am I a bad dwaughter? Why dwoesnt she wuvv me wike you and dwaddy?" I almost cried to her, but I had to stay strong. "No baby, your a great amazing daughter. I love you like your my own. Your pretty and. Smart and I love the little pictures you draw me. And any mother that treats you like that, you don't deserve it. Mommy just had problems if her own and needs some help okay?" A little smile formed on her face. She kissed my cheek and pulled me on the bed to sit with her. "Jayjay can you be my new mommy? I don't wanna cwall mommy my mommy anymwore." I smiled and kissed her little cheeks. "I sure can sweetie." She then smiled showing her pearly white teeth. It's so adorable when she does that. She yawned abs began to run her eyes indicating that she was obviously still sleepy. I began to fluff her pillows and tuck her in. I read her a princess bedtime story then waited until she fell asleep. I kissed her forehead then both cheeks before turning on her night light and whispering "good night mama's baby."

Finding a Thug ..
AléatoireJewel is a young girl raised by her father and the streets. Her mom quit caring and started taking drugs. Her father passed away a few years ago, she is left alone to take care of her little sister but need more money because bills are piling up. Sh...