I'm so confused about what happened at the park, but I knew king was upset and I knew not to question him. He was in the back seat trying to calm Ari down while she still sobbed a little. "Baby, where to?" I asked king focused on the road. "Home, cut cross to this interstate and take the back way through rose avenue. You'll block off the traffic ma." I nodded my head and continued driving while pulling off from the stop light. It took us about 30 minutes to get home. I unlocked the door for them to go inside. Once everyone was inside, I closed and locked the door. I kicked off my shoes and went upstairs to our bedroom. I took off my jewelry and set it in the jewelry box. I went to use the restroom then took out some pajamas. I ran the shower water and waited til it was to my liking and stepped in. I took a quick 20 minute shower then got out. I went down stairs to check on Ari and king but just as I walked in the living room they were finishing up their conversation. "Ready to tell her princess?" King asked Ari. She shyly shook her head and cuddled under king even closer. "Tell me what?" I asked still in confusion about everything that happened today. "You'll see," king responded.
King POV
"Dwaddy I scared..." Ari mumbled with her voice cracking, ready to cry. "Its okay princess, everything will be fine just tell jayjay so that she can help you okay?" I tried to make her comfortable and feel better. She nodded her head and I sat her in my lap. I pulled jay down to the couch with us to sit down so that we could all talk. Jay muted the TV so that everything could be clearly heard. "Umm .. Jayjay you rwemember when I stwayed with mommy before I stayed with you?" Jay nodded her head in understanding proceeding for her to go on. "And, and .... Mommy used to let those Lotta boys touch on me and kiss me and my dwaddy put that thing in me and it hurt and I was bweeding and mommy hit me becawse I was cwying!!" Ari was now in tears and jay was too.I hated to see the both if them cry, they are my two favorite women besides my moms. And my pops was a dead beat and he never took care of me. Thas what my moms told me. It just cut me deep to see them cry. I held them both in my arms and just let them cry. "Ari, baby don't worry me and daddy are gonna find these people who hurt you and they are going to pay." Jay cried out to ari sobbing and her face turning red. Her eyes were now filled with hurt, anger and revenge. But she was right, who ever did this to my baby was gonna pay. I'm start planning that shit asap. My trigga finger itching already for them pussy ass niggas. I mean, what a grown man want with a Lil girl man? And to take her innocence? That shit wrong asf. But is ain't stopping til I see blood from these niggas. I was caught out of my thought when I heard jay calling my name. "Hm? Uh, yeah baby?" I answered to jay as she had laid her head on my chest. Ari had cried herself to sleep on the other side of me. Her face had dried up tears and was all red. And I could tell her eyes were still puffy and red from crying so much. My poor baby, she looked a mess. Jay and I just watched her sleep peacefully on my chest, her light breathing was the only thing that could be heard. "Baby can you give ari a quick bath and put her in her pajamas while I take a quick shower?" I asked jay cause we needed to talk. "Yeah, baby" she answered lowly. I kissed her and ari on the forehead and began to walk upstairs to the bedroom. Tonight is gonna be a lonnnnggggg night ....

Finding a Thug ..
RandomJewel is a young girl raised by her father and the streets. Her mom quit caring and started taking drugs. Her father passed away a few years ago, she is left alone to take care of her little sister but need more money because bills are piling up. Sh...