Chapter 11

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King POV

Morning came and jay was still asleep on me. I looked to my digital clock and seen that it was 10:26am. I sat up in bed and stretched and noticed Ari was between us. I smiled at how cute they were. I took a few pictures and one with both of them laying on my chest. They slept exactly alike. I got out of bed careful not to wake either of them. I hopped in the shower and then did my hygiene. I brushed my teeth and my waves in my head. I put on my polo boxers then put on my my Jordan basketball shorts. I put on some matching elite socks and my Jordan slides. I figured the girls would be up soon so I figured I'd get breakfast started. I started to cook blueberry pancakes, patty sausage,biscuits, grits, and scrambled eggs. As I was finishing the eggs, I turned the stove off and I heard footsteps coming towards the kitchen. Jay came and put her arms around my eyes. "Guess who?" I chuckled at how cute she was. "Is it my wifey jay?" She giggled before responding. "Correct, and now your prize." I turned around and she pecked me on the lips. I made sure everything on the stove was turned off and put to the side. I grabbed her and sat her on the counter. I wrapped my arms around her waist and she wrapped her arms around my neck. "Good morning beautiful." I kissed her forehead then her nose then her lips. She blushed then I kissed each side of her cheeks. She then returned the kiss. I took pictures of us and put one as my lock screen and put one as my home screen. "Baby where's Ari?" "Umm .. She should be down in a sec, she said she was brushing her teeth." I nodded my head and started taking out plates,napkins, and things to eat with. I got all the plates on the table and ready. "Dwaddy!!" Ari yelled in excitement jumping in my arms. I scooped her up and planted kisses all over her face while she giggled and laughed. "Good morning princess." "Gwood mworning dwaddy." She kissed my cheek then I put her down so that we could eat.


Ari ran straight to king when she entered the kitchen. They were having their little moments and I thought it was the cutest little thing. I grabbed kings phone and snapped pictures of them. But my favorite was the one where king was kissing Ari's cheek and she was smiling. Both their eyes were sparkling and they looked like they both belonged together.  It had me in tears but I hurried and wiped them before either of them could see. I sat at the table pretending to be pouting like a little kid and Ari looked at me. "What's wrong jayjay?" "No love and kisses for me Ari?" She ran to me and have me a big hug and kissed my forehead then my nurse then my lips. "I'm swowwy jayjay. Dwo you accept my apowogy?" It was so cute that she was being nice. I giggled and kissed her cheeks. We were all now eating our breakfast. "So ladies, what do y'all want to do today?" "Pwark!! Pwease daddy????" "Well princess, its up to jay; what do ya say jay?" We all dropped our forks and looked at jay. She smiled then answered, "okay, okay we can go to the park." We all finished up and started to clean the kitchen. I told Ari and jay to go upstairs and get dressed. Ari came back down stairs looking all cute with her puffy hair. "Dwaddy, cwan you hwelp me with my buttons pwease?" She had on her black skinny jeans with her white T-shirt and her white Jordan belt. I began to tuck her tank top in and fix the buttons on her pants. Then I fastened her belt. "Dwaddy can you get my shirt for me pwease?" She took my hand and walked me in her closet. She wanted the all black Jordan shirt with the white jump man on it. For her shoes she picked out her Jordan gamma blues. After getting her dressed and making sure her room was cleaned up, I turned on Dora for her. I began walking to my room to take out my clothes so that I could shower. I thought it would be cute to match my baby girl, so I did. Except I wore Levis instead of skinnies. Jay was just now getting out the shower and came out with a towel wrapped around her. Lawddddd, my baby was BLESSED. she had a body of a goddess, I'm telling you. She cleared her throat and giggled once she seen me snap out ta my thoughts. "Anything you need to say king?" "Oh, uh yeah um .. We all matching today, black jeans black Jordan shirt with white jump man, white Jordan belt and gamma blues." "Oh okay, thanks." I smacked her on the ass on the way to the shower as I grabbed my stuff to shower. "No problem beautiful, and go get dressed." She smiled then proceeded to get dressed.

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