Why you gotta be so rude..

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Arizona layed on the couch that night thinking about her future. She didn't want anything happening with her, Calliope and there amazing daughter Sofia.

That morning Calliope came out and watched Arizona sleep.

Calliope: Arizona get up.. Now.

(Arizona starts to wake up)

Arizona: whats wrong Callie is Sofia ok?

Calliope: Get out of my house..

-Arizona is confused as she sits up-

Arizona: Wait what did i do Callie its 4am can we talk about this later??

Calliope: No! I'm taking Sofia and my self over to Derek's house I want you gone when i get back tonight..

Calliope walks out with there daughter slamming the door behind. Arizona is confused as she lays on the couch and tears fall.

Calliope gets to Derek's house and sets Sofia down to sleep. Its around 5am and rounds start at 6. Calliope found out Arizona has been sexting other girls behind Calliopes back. Calliope is crushed as she sobs in the bathroom of the Shepard's.

Calliope: What am i suppose to do..

(As she looks down at marks picture)

Calliope: I need you mark..

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