Check Your self..

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As calliope cryed in the bathroom, Arizona was yet again at the hospital getting to frisky and flirty with one of the new interns..

Callipe kept thinking she was doing somewthing wrong..

Was it the way she looks? (Touching her waist)

Was it her way of pleasuring? (holding her chest)

Calliope could not figure out what she has done wrong for Arizona to do this to her.. She thought Arizona was the one..

*Flashing to the wedding*

"I, Calliope Iphegenia Torres, take thee, Arizona Robbins, to be my wedded wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part"

*Flashing back*

(Tears fill calliopes eyes)

As she walked out of the bathroom to start getting Sofia ready for day care, she thought of many things she was going to say to her so called wife..

(arriving to work)

Calliope dropped Sofia off and went looking for Arizona before rounds.

As Arizona was in the locker room Calliope walked in..

Calliope: Who's Lauren?

Arizona: I don't know what your talking about *Getting nervous*

Calliope: Well for what its worth you have her shirt in your bag...! * Throwing the shirt as Arizona*

Arizona: Oh ya her.. Old friend you would love her but she's gone, she left this morning.. Oh well next time maybe.* nervous smile*

Calliope: Your a fucking whore Arizona... I want you out of mine and MY daughters life!!!

Arizona: YOUR daughter? She's mine to Calliope you cant just take her from me!

Calliope: *Trying not to cry as Owen walks in* You better get her Owen before I go off...

Owen: Arizona... Leave now..

Arizona: *Crying* She my child to... *Walks out*

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