A Vision to the Past

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Madran looked around the room, and saw that it was a large platform above an abyss. Margaret walked up to an orb on the ground.

"Elizabeth, do you know what this is?"


Elizabeth took the orb and examined it.

"It could simply be decor, although why would it be on the ground..."

"Wait. This feels familiar..."

Maya walked around and checked the area out.

"Yeah, I know what this is. It resembles the mirror rooms in the Alaya Caverns."

"Rumor, what's that?"

"They were rooms that showed one's past to everyone in it."

Elizabeth held the orb up.

"Let me try something. Erusaer Tsymmom!"

The orb reacted to the incantation, unleashing a bright light. Once it faded away, the group found themselves in an area similar to Philemon's dimension. Madran noticed that they were standing on the checkered platform again.

"Wait, did we get poofed out?"

Madran looked around and saw what appeared to be Philemon.

"Wait, Philemo-"

Madran reached for him and saw that her hand went straight through, like he was a ghost.

"This is a memory of his, presumably."

Madran stepped back.

"Fwoosh, it would be best to observe."

Maya beckoned Madran over to her, and Madran went over. Everyone's attention was then taken to a black butterfly landing across from Philemon. It then transformed into a tall man who seemed enshrouded in black. Maya's face instantly turned to horror.


Philemon turned around, looking directly at the man. To Madran's shock, he wasn't wearing a mask. His face appeared rather normal, aside from very pronounced cheekbones.

"Crawling Chaos. What is your business here?"

"I prefer Nyarlathotep."

The black figure, or Nyarlathotep, chuckled. Philemon's voice then rang out, presumably to Madran and her group.

"The Crawling Chaos, Nyarlathotep, approached me with an idea most absurd..."

Madran looked to Maya, who had averted her eyes, and then to Suga's and Sheila's, who looked very confused.

"Oh, why, I simply had an offer. You see, both as deities born from the human soul, I wanted to put forth a bet..."

"What?! Philemon..."

Madran tried to piece together what she just heard when Nyarlathotep began to speak again.

"I just simply wished to test whether humans can achieve enlightenment, like how you would hope, or how I hope..."

Nyarlathotep swept his hand.

"...that human will drive themselves to the point of disaster."

Philemon, still keeping his placid look, nodded.

"There's no way he can accept that-"

Madran was cut of as Philemon's voice continued on.

"However, as foolish as I was..."

Philemon walked up to Nyarlathotep.

"And, how would this work?"

Madran's jaw dropped.

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