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After about two hours of my mom warning me about guys, influential friends, parties and going home late, she finally bid us goodbye and made her way to leave.She gave me a quick hug then informed my aunt Silvia to take a good look at me.

A cab is already waiting for her outside when we stepped out of the door. She has already taken the convertible back, a while ago. Before she could even walk down the staircase, she turned back to me, tightly wrapping her arms around my petite figure. I did the same, knowing that I wouldn't be able to feel this woman in my arms for the next 8 months. The cab honks impatiently causing me to jerk out of her arms. 

Before I even know it, the cab is already 3 blocks away from where I'm standing. I suddenly felt lonely and alone. I felt a light tap against my shoulders and turned back to see my Aunt Silvia, standing before me. She gave me a light smile, and I returned it with all politeness. I'm gonna have to admit, my mom annoys me a lot but I kinda feel the whole in my heart, starting to grow even wider, and it hurts. She's my only family, yet here I am, living with someone I barely even know. But Aunt Silvia is considerably nice and a really sweet person. I guess it won't really be too hard to get along with her. 

"How about we make breakfast together. It'll be an hour before your classes start.", she told me offering an inviting smile, which I returned. Despite the loneliness that starts to creep its way into me, I still enjoyed baking another bunch of cinnamons with my Aunt. 

"Don't you have a job to do? I mean it's a Monday.", I said in between chewing. I'm must say, I'm quite satisfied with the outcome of my cinnnamon roll. It tastes quite good. I wish I could give myself a pat for this. Two thumbs up for you Tina.

"Yes I do, but I don't think you can manage to navigate your way in the UK, considering the fact that you've only been here for like 2 days now."

"So you're gonna miss your work again?"

"Why not? It'll only be thirty minutes.", she told me, her voice is light and friendly and laced with reassurance. 

"You sure?", I asked worringly. I understand that I won't always see her because of the fact that she owns a hella massive publishing company. She don't need to make up stuff to me. I'm perfectly fine and I understand her situation. It's not like I'm pushing her away, tho. I just wanted her to focus herself on her job, and I, in the other hand, will look after myself.

"Absobloodylutely sure.", she told me reassuringly, then winked at me. The room was full of light chuckles for the past 10 minutes. I haven't gotten to this same state in my life, where I was just having a normal chat with my mom, the same as what I'm doing with my aunt right now. 

"You ready?", she stood from her seat, taking her black leather office bag along in her left arm.

"Yes ma'am.", I said, earning a laugh from her. This womand and her undeniably great sense of humor.

We headed off to the massive door which is made of piled vintage bricks. Must cost a fortune. The door fluttered open. The December wind is gusting through the branches of the trees, sending a number os chills down my spine. 

I hurriedly made my way towards my aunt's SUV. I hurriedly closed the door before me, followed by my aunt who rode shotgun and Cedric who's probably the one in charged of driving us today.

"Morning ladies.", Cedric greeted us. His voice is amazingly deep and sounds like it comes from a bass speaker. I smiled awkwardly at him in the front mirror. "Where to?", he asked as he rested his coffee which is almost halfway down his paper cup in a compartment next to the steering wheel.

"Let's drive Tina to her college first.", she looked at me with an excited and a jolly look in the front mirror, which I kindly and at the same time, awkwardly, returned. I tried to focus ony my phone to avoid some chances to build a conversation. I'm starting to like Aunt Silvia's company, but it's not like I don't find it awkward talking to her. There's still a hint of uneasiness between the two of us. I mean like c'mon, it hasn't even been 24 hours since I started talking to her, so what do you expect? Granted, she was also busy with some business transactions, calling a number of people back and forth, and checking some papers from her binder. The whole ride was filled with the bleeping of our phones and you can sometimes hear Cedric taking a sip from his coffee. Eventually, the car pulled up. I shifted uncomfortably in my seat before Cedric declared that we're already in Cambridge University. That's when I felt like backing out again. The foreign feeling creeped through my body again causing my lips to pale.

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