*Special* Life's Gifts Begins Through Quotes, Identities And Plus

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Life is an amusing experience for all of us.

Gays and Lesbians

We never asked to be this way.
Some tried to deny or avoid this pay
Some people wanted us to die
But instead we are filled with Pride.
Love doesn't have any rules.
People are going to be cruel.
But love is love.
Wether it's with the same sexual orientation.
Wether a man going out hand in hand with a man.
Or a women giving affection to one female fan.
We stand strong for our love.
And we are forever going send out same sex doves.

Gifts are hard to find but will always be found.

Bi-, Pan-, Poly-, Omni- Sexual

'We don't belong' they say.
'We don't exists' others joining.
'You are still straight.'
But does it mean we love one orientation?
'We belong here!' We yell.
'We exist just like you!' We scream.
'We are not straight.'
For in fact we love more then the opposite.
We may even love more than the same.
Two four maybe more.
Love told us no such rules.
No rules to pick one.

Begin your legacy and don't start doubting.

Trans, Non-binary, Agender.

We don't feel right as if this body isn't mine.
This gender is currently not the one we have.
Whether it's the gender that is contrast to this body.
Or maybe it's neither gender that is a girl and boy.
People say it is a phase We are going through.
But We think it is the real us.
We prefer the real us.
We love the prefer us.

Through thick and thin we slowly learn.

Demisexual, Grey-, As- sexual.

The act of darkness isn't something we are fond of.
Rather having an adult nap time with my other.
A cupcake is something better to lust for.
Maybe an afternoon delight one day.
But aggressive cuddling isn't the first thought.
Strange not wanting to be intimate is not humane.
But oh well.
We'll continue loving our cupcakes.
No matter how 'query' it is.

Quotes of life and answers are there for you.


It's hard to find yourself at times.
Especially when you have friends who are one thing.
And some are the other.
Some may be pushing you to be something.
But somehow it still isn't right.
This is alright.
You are alright.
Take your time to figure things out.
There is no timer tick tick ticking down.
Or a roar of a bear chasing you down.
Whenever and whatever you see your true form.
We'll be happy for you with open arms and love.

Identities will be your toughest finding yet.


Love is such interesting concept.
Because love is there for everyone.
It doesn't have rules.
Nor does it care what you like or dislike.
people who don't agree are the ones who are strick.
But no need to pay attention to them.
Love is for anyone and any orientation.
No matter if they are gay.
No matter if they are bisexual.
No matter if they are transgender.
Or even Asexual.
Love is there for everyone.
And love will be found even if you're questioning.
Love will love you for who your are.

And Plus, just remember you are loved.


Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed this poem. I could have made separate poems for each sexuality and gender, I could have made a chapter for day of this month. But I decided to group them together in this one chapter. Representing how we all group together as a community.
Once again thank you for reading, having a good day.
Happy Pride Month.

You are loved.

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