Hidden Darkness

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      Two people, dressed like the guards from earlier, walked down the hallway towards her cell. Were they coming for her, just like her parents? Although, they could be coming for someone else. I mean they never came for her before. Another question could be if they are coming for her now, why not when she was younger? Why let her live?

She didn't have any more time to think in circles about it because they were now right outside her cell. One of them turned around and unlocked the door to the cell across from them.

"Magdalena, you have been discovered to have the ability to use magick. You will first be tested for the type of magick. This will decide what happens to you next. Resist and you will find yourself being burned alive. Understand?" said the guard outside her door.

"Yes, I understand." She walked out the cell and down part of the hallway with the guard. Then they turned around and waited.

"Libitina you've been here for a while. 19 years! Well that's the longest it will be. Come with us. Resist and you will find yourself tied to a pole with your friend, screaming as flames lick your legs. Or you might get lucky and die from smoke first. Understand?" said the guard in front of her own door.

"Yes mam."

"Good now let's go." They walked down the hallway. Magdalena and the other guard joined them on their short trip. They waited for their doom as one of the guards pulled out a set of keys unlocking the door.

"In we go". Said one of the guards. As they entered, they realized that this was just another hallway of prison cells. They weren't very full of people and each cell had a sign with writing on it. She couldn't read it but it looked something like this.

Witches/Warlocks, Elemental, Mind, Unknown, Power, Energy, None, Other.

They turned a corner and entered a room. It was unfortunately well lit in the center; the rest was not quite as bright. Along one wall was empty cells. There were shelves of books and tools. In the back was a large machine with bottles full of color full liquids or gases. There was also another door back there. In the center of the room there was a large thing that had lots of needles and other sharp objects. It was connected to the machine with bottles, sitting in it was Esma, the girl from earlier that never showed up to be hanged. Well she was more of strapped with large metal bands then sitting.

Libitina and Magdalena were put in one of the cells along the wall.

"Ah I see you brought more people for me."

"I want you to find out what that one can do." She said while pointing at Magdalena. "And this one is old enough to be successfully extracted from."

"Little late for that now I'm doing my experiment in a few minutes."

"Do with her as you please but I'm getting back to work."

"If this test fails she will probably be the first to be extracted."

The guy who was doing the "experiment" whatever that was got back to working on whatever evil thing he was doing mumbling something about bringing test subjects sooner rather than waiting and seeing what they can do. Also, about how long it took him to gather power or energy or something along those lines.

He grabbed more bottles from the shelf and put them in the machine until none were left. Then walked over to the middle of the room and said to Esma, "This won't kill you... hopefully." That definitely wasn't very comforting. She struggled with the clamps pinning her down and tried to scream for help but there wouldn't be anyone able or willing to help her. The man went over to some sort of table that lit up and tapped on it in a few places. The bottles started emptying while Esma screamed in pain. Libitina wanted to help her but didn't know if there was anything she could do. It was unbearable watching someone in such excruciating pain. After a few horrible minutes the bottles were empty and Esma had passed out.

"She lived! I did not expect that to happen. It seems using someone with healing powers worked." Said the man who seemed very pleased with himself after doing something as horrible as torture. He walked over to them. "Now I have to do what I was told to do to you. Come with me." He said to Magdalena while unlocking the door. "Oh, and don't try any spells on me this whole section will prevent you from doing anything." He took her into another room.


After a few hours


He had locked Magdalena back in the cell, then went over to the glow table thingy.

"Lets see what you can do." He said. After pressing on the table some more he took a needle and extracted blood from Esma. He took the blood and left the room.

"Do you think now is a good time to escape?" Magdalena whispered.

"And go where?" Libitina answered back.


"How do you plan to get out? You've already tried once and that didn't work well for you. Or me I guess."

"I don't know why your I here with me but I have a feeling whatever were here for won't be good for us."

In the corner of her eye she saw orange light coming from the center of the room. Esma looking very shocked and confused but she also had a strange look, almost like she was given something to use, and not for good. The man came back into the room and dashed over to the table as soon as he saw her.

"I must have forgotten to turn the protective shield back on after she healed." He said to himself. However, it was too late for that as she sent an explosive force towards the wall. Libitina was knocked back into the cell causing her to black out. She woke up to the strange man laying on the other side of the room probably dead, Esma running away, and Magdalena beside her rubbing her head.

"We have to get out of here." She said.

"Ya I agree let's go." Magdalena responded. As she stood up, she lost her balance as if dizzy and sat back down.

"Are you ok." Libitina asked.

"I'm fine my head hurts a little and I'm dizzy it's probably nothing."

"If you say so." She said not completely convinced she was ok. "Let me help you."

The two got up and walked to the hole in the wall that thankfully led straight to the outside. They were just about to make it when they heard a voice behind them.

"Oh no you don't, I can't let you go. Those with your kind of powers are to rare." Said the man from earlier. She didn't know exactly what he meant by that but she didn't care. He was holding a weapon of some sort at them. He fired it. A blinding flash of light then darkness with the uncertainty she would ever wake up again. 

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