Wow nice to see you! Wait who am I?

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Magdalena's POV

The blast hit Libitina in the shoulder which knocked her back onto the ground, she landed hard and was knocked out. He then took his gun and pointed it at Magdalena. He fired it and she used a shield spell, one she was very good at, and blocked the blast from the energy weapon. She focused the spell being around him and the shield was now surrounding him trapping him inside. She picked up Libitina, which wasn't hard considering how light and small she was, and ran. All around her people were fighting to escape. Esma it seems blew up more holes in the place allowing prisoners to escape. Everywhere was chaos, she was constantly running into someone or nearly getting caught by a guard. The tree line was so close, she was starting to see individual trees. Then in the corner of her eye she caught movement. All of the sudden a group of people who were neither inmates nor guards came out of the woods. Some attacked the guards while others went into the prison. Some of the now free captives were helping them fight or carrying the wounded to safety.

With the help of these new people who had probably been hiding out in the woods for a while, getting to the forest was much easier. A young woman was standing in front of the trees directing people somewhere.

"That way to camp." She said pointing past the trees. "Keep running that way and eventually you'll make it. There we have food, water, and for those who need it we will be sending to a nearby town for medical attention." Everyone started heading in that direction. Magdalena went just far enough to be hidden before setting down Libitina and taking a break. She may be light but its hard to carry a person over your shoulder for too long. She sat there for at least five minutes before she heard a familiar voice.

"Magdalena?" it said. She looked up to see a man she knew from her own village. He was covered in dirt and blood.

"Delmar? What happened to you? How did you get here?" she said.

"I can explain when we get to camp but right now, we should get going. Fast." He said quickly glancing behind him. "I can help you carry her." He picked her up and the started to speed walk thru the woods watching in front of them and at there feet. If they ran the would probably run into or trip over something. After a while of speed walking, at least 12 miles or so, and switching who was carrying Libitina they finally arrived at the secret camp.

They were directed to a large crowd of people after asking where the healer was. Some were being grouped up. Others were laying down on the ground or running around carrying various supplies.

"Those going to Darpick group up over there." Said someone over the ever-growing crowd. "Those who are going to stay with us go over there. Anyone who needs medical attention goes over there." They continued to speak until the crowd seemed to stop growing and separated into several groups. "Alright that group over there follow Samantha she will take you to the road where you will finish your journey to Darpick in smaller groups by cart. Anyone traveling further also go with them." Once the groups left there was a little more space to move Libitina on the ground.

After a few minutes someone came over and said "I have lots of patients right now can you help me out by cleaning of the blood and dirt on her wound." Then as quick as he came, he went back over to check other people.

Once he wound was cleaned up it didn't look so bad, she was probably hit with some sort of stunning weapon that was amped up to high. Although it should be much worse. The force from the blast was enough to quickly knock her down, and hard enough for her to black out. There must be something else going on.

She walked over to the healer and asked if there was anything else she could do to help. She spent a while doing chores for him before heading back to Libitina.

"Hey." She said to Delmar who was already there sitting next to Libitina who now had clothes on. "I see you found some clothes for her."

"Actually, a nice lady over there found them and put them on her. After that she told me to watch for the "signs" when I was near you. Then she just walked away before I could say anything."

"Well I have no idea what that means but finding clothes for her was really nice." After a few moments of silence. "So how did you get here?"

"Well after our school was raided, I ran and ran until I met this group who said they would take me in. They said they protect a lot of the children who are like us, well you, as long as we help everyone else. Mostly I helped gather food or do chores until this afternoon when they said their scouts had seen an opportunity to attack and free some prisoners and that they needed everyone who could to help. I knew many of the people who were in my school had probably been taken their so I joined in. I'm so glad I found you."

"Ha. Well you were right in time I would have never been able to escape and help Libitina escape." She sighed and asked the truth she didn't want to know. "Do you know what happened to our families?"

"No... I don't but you know what usually... happens to families whose kids are caught in these schools. The get punished too." She gives him a somber look and nods knowing but struggling to except the truth. She was lucky to be in the same prison, the same cell as her dad but she knew that both her and Delmar were now orphans. Orphans that had no family but each other.

"I'm going to go find something to eat." She hadn't eaten in days since she never ate any of the prison food which turned out to be smart since some of it was poisoned. As she started walking, she fell and felt like she had momentarily lost any control over her body.

"Are you ok?" asked Delmar.

"Ya I think I'll be fine I don't know what happened I probably just need to eat and drink something." He gave her a "really I'm still going to keep an eye on you look".

"Ill come with you." he said.

"Ok, but I really am fine just a little dizzy." They got up and started walking towards the center of the camp. Suddenly she couldn't control her body anymore she was just walking. It was like someone else was doing it for her. All she could do was think.

"Guess this is working. She'll be mine in no time." Said some one to their self through Magdalena. Then she was back in control of herself.

"Did you say something? I didn't hear you." asked Delmar.

"No umm I didn't." she said unsure of what just happened. "I'm great lets go find some food."

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