Chapter 7

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I walked in and straight to the bedroom so I can take this nice shower and get ready for bed. I walked in and saw Trinity passed out on her usual side of the bed next to a pregnancy test. I grabbed it and saw it said positive. I screamed and kissed her.

"You're pregnant baby," I said as she rolled over. "I'm going to be a father to three kids," I said softly.

"Get out, I'm trying to sleep," she said pushing me off the bed.

"Girl this is my house."

"It was our house until you decided to do you. Now leave me alone and stop being so loud," she said with attitude.

"No we're going to talk about this," I said sternly.

"There's literally nothing to talk about. I'm pregnant and that's that," she said sitting up. "And I was just starting to sleep good," she groaned.

"No. Were you even going to tell me, ?" I asked sitting on the bed again. "Or did I just have to find out ?"

"No and yes."

"But I am the father am I not ?"

"Whatever, I'll leave. See you when I see you," she said getting up and picking up everything she came over with. "Oh and tell Tiana hi. I'm tired of seeing her texts," she said walking out the door.

"You sure you don't want to eat something ?" I yelled as she opened her car door.

"Yes, positive. I have work to catch up on and I also cleaned up the house," she smiled getting in and starting it up. I watched as she backed and went inside.

I noticed she did clean up everything. Everything was dusted, the dishes were washed and put up, she vacuumed, and cleaned up the bathrooms. I texted her and told her thanks. I also texted Tiana and told her Trinity said hi. I was debating whether or not to tell her about Trinity's pregnancy because it's also none of my business to tell what's hers. Even though I am the dad of this child I probably shouldn't. I'll end up telling her because she is my first baby mama sooner or later just not right now. I just found out myself.


I went to the office last night and got all the paperwork I needed to work on so I could work on it at home. I hated to be behind on my work but it also gave me more things to do. I loved having something to do. If I didn't I would be bored out of my mind.

Surprisingly when I got to the office Aiden was still there. I didn't bother him though because I definitely wasn't going to put myself in the predicament where I had to tell him about my pregnancy. I got my work that was sitting nicely on my desk and left. Staying up until 3 am, I finally finished everything. That little 30-minute nap did me justice but I might not be worth anything in the morning for work. During my break, I'll probably have to take a nap. As soon as I hit the pillow, I was out like a light the rest of the night.

When I woke up I was still tired but I was dying of hunger. I'll wake up hungry of course but today it was like I needed to eat something as soon as possible. I gladly ran to the kitchen and cooked me something fast. If being pregnant really meant I was going to be hungry like this, I'm in for something because I barely eat for myself. Now I'm eating for two? My gosh.

I set up my checkup date for the baby while I was at the doctors' office, by the way. I forgot to mention that but yes I did. And yes I will be attending the appointment by myself unless Zion somehow finds out and shows up. I don't plan on using Zion for his money or anything like that. I just want to have some fun. Also because he'll be using some of my money. He likes to spoil people that's one thing I always loved about him. He would spoil me with anything so that's how I knew he would make a great father.

And lastly yes, I haven't told Aiden about my pregnancy. I plan on hiding it until I can't anymore. I feel as if he doesn't ask about it there's no need to tell him about it. And that's on that, but let me stop doing all this thinking and actually get ready for work before I'm late.

I put some pep in my step and got to work on time. I spoke to everyone when I walked in. I was just in a really good mood. I decided to bother Aiden on this lovely morning. As I said before I'm above all thing knocking stuff so I just went in. It wasn't like he bothers keeping people in his office for too long. He brings them in for whatever reason, tells them what they need to know and/or do, and they're on their way out. But me? I'm a little different as you could've told by now.

He smiled and stood up. He came over to me and I just started crying. Like I broke down in tears as he hugged me tightly.

"Did I do something, ?" he asked concerned. I just shook my head into his chest because, you know, I'm shorter than him by a lot. I'm around 5'3 and he's what? 6'2? so yeah, of course, I couldn't cry onto his shoulder. He picked me up and I wrapped my arms and legs around him. We stood like that until all of a sudden I had the urge to laugh. Now I laugh when I shouldn't be laughing so it made me laugh even more because he had this face that I can't explain but it was just so funny so I had to laugh harder.

"Okay you're weird," he said picking me up more.

"You like it though," I smiled.

"Yeah yeah, but what was wrong, ?" he asked whipping away my tears.

"Nothing," I answered because it was genuinely nothing wrong. I was in a great mood and still am now. I just had a moment I suppose. He raised an eyebrow so I said, "I'm serious. Nothing's wrong. I don't know why I did that."

"Okay, but if I find out you're lying to me you're being punished," he said in his sexy dominant tone that made me wet every time he used it. My eyes rolled back I guess because he put me down and put his hand in my pant gently rubbing my clit.

"Shit," I moaned out grabbing his hand.

"You like that baby don't you, ?" he asked already knowing my answer.

"Mmh," I nodded my head. I grabbed his face and kissed him deeply.

Then I think y'all already know what else happened.

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