Chapter 14

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Leaving the hospital hurt, mad, confused, and anything else you want to add. I get where she's coming from. I understand my wrongdoing as far as it goes. I hurt her and I got her attached to me knowing she rarely let anybody in.

I was the first guy she actually let know how she was actually feeling. She put her trust in me only for me to betray her in one of the worse ways. I betrayed her along with her best friend. I sound sick.

I see what she meant by her being hurt and her wanting me to feel as she felt because I never imagined it to feel like this. She was taking it so well to the point I thought maybe it didn't phase her. She's good at hiding things but this? This made her great. She could be an actress.

As much of an ass I can be, I actually feel bad now. I'm hurt that this baby isn't mine. I got attached to him before he even got here and now I find out that he's not my son. I'm mad because I went through this whole pregnancy with her and taking care of her just for her to be playing me the whole time. I'm not even mad about me wasting my money because I get it. I made her spend money on a wedding that was ruined by my acts. I should've been told her about me and Tiana. I don't love Tiana. I don't want to be with Tiana. She was a one-night thing that happened to turn into something much bigger.

I didn't want a kid yet but I wasn't about to have her raise our kids by herself or have them put for adoption or even worse. I don't even want to think about the last option because I don't believe in those. Every baby is a blessing. I'm not saying I don't see why people have abortions because it's their body and they chose what they wanted to do. Sometimes both parents of the child think it's for the best whether it be because they're not stable on their own or they're not ready. It's a lot of thought that goes into that option. For any option to be honest. All three are life-changing. I know because my life changed when Tiana had the twins. I had to adjust to my new life. I have to save money not only for me but for them.

I was confused at first. Confused as to why this had to happen but that's probably my karma. That's what I get for what I did to her. I'm embarrassed. Embarrassed that I have to go home tonight and live with that. I have to tell my parents that I don't have a future kid on the way. That I don't have a son yet.


We've just left the hospital. Since Trinity was too tired and wrapped up into our new baby I texted all her family that the baby has arrived. I didn't text and tell mine because they don't know about Trinity yet. I plan on telling them very soon. I mean why would I want to keep my handsome son a secret?

I haven't even thought about work and that's surprising. Trinity is like a workaholic where she always needs something to do, but she'll be wrapped up with Tyler where she'll be too tired to do any other work. She'll be allowed to return to work whenever she's ready. Yes, she has the standard six weeks off but she has her own clients so it's really up to her. She could work from home if need be but I recommend our office.

Ever since we've left the hospital she hasn't stopped smiling. I hate to ruin the moment but she knows she has to talk. Talk about why she never told me, why did she want to keep it a secret from me, why did she wait so long to finally say something, and more. We also have to finish the conversation we had last night.

I'll probably wait until Tyler is sound asleep. He's honestly so cute that I'm glad to call him my son. I just hate I had to find out about him like 15 minutes before he was born. I think that'll be a story to tell.

Once we got to her apartment I was really into thought. I don't want my child to grow up in an apartment. Nothing's wrong with apartments or anything I've just always thought that by the time I have a child I'll have a house with the women I had my child with. I know it's fast because Trinity and I aren't a thing officially and we're both legally married but still.


When we got to my apartment, Aiden didn't say much. Whatever he was thinking about, whatever was going on in his head really had him stuck. I paid him no mind because I was having too much fun looking at my handsome son as I laid him down in his crib. He looked a little sleepy so I told myself to lay him down once we got here. I didn't really want to leave him alone but I knew Aiden and I had to have a talk.

I left the baby's room door open just in case of anything. I just had him yesterday I couldn't have anything go wrong on my first day on the job. I walked out and eyed Aiden as he sat on his phone. He was always professional and that got annoying.

"Can you just relax for one minute, ?" I asked sitting down next to him. He looked up from his phone for a second and then closed his phone.

"Okay sure," was all he said as we just sat there looking at each other.

"Okay," I sighed. "I know we have a talk coming. Might as well have it now instead of pushing it off as if that'll change anything."

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