how he takes care of you when you're sick

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Ponyboy: Beyond clueless. He goes to the store and buys you everything from aspirin to heavy duty bandages. Even though he's got absolutely no clue what he's doing, his effort is endearing.

Sodapop: He'll draw you a bath and watch romantic comedies with you in bed. He'll make sure you're hydrated and makes you a medicine schedule. He basically becomes your own personal nurse.

Darry: Will not leave your side. He will hold your hair back when you're throwing up, provide you with tissues, and feed you soup. He'll probably wash his hands every five seconds so he won't get sick, but he will still take care of you.

Steve: He'll let you sleep mostly, but while he thinks you're sleeping, he'll come sit by the bed and talk quietly to you about how sad he is that you're not feeling well and how much he loves you.

Johnny: Has a complete panic attack and thinks you're going to die. He googles every one of your symptoms and comes to the conclusion that you have liver failure, toxic shock syndrome, a brain tumor, and meningitis. You end up taking care of him, in reassuring him that it's just a cold.

Dally: Determined to make you feel better with his company. He'll give you aspirin and fever reducer, but will mostly rely on himself to make you feel better. Although his company is wonderful, he ends up getting sick too.

Two-Bit: Gives you hugs and cuddles. Occasionally he will crack jokes to try and make you smile, and holds you while you sleep off your fever. He will do all of the above with latex gloves and a doctors mask on.

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