The Wrong Sister

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James's POV

Me and my girlfriend Emily walked to her house. It was my first time meeting her family, and I was kind of nervous.

"And your sister's name is...?" I pause for her to answer my question.

"Riley." She says.

"Right, Riley." I mumble under my breath.

"She's a year younger than us. And she's kind of shy, just letting you know." She tells me.

We get to her house moments later.

She leads me inside and to the kitchen.

"Mom, I'm home!" Emily calls out. Her mother comes in.

"Oh, hello. You're James I'm guessing." She says kindly. I nod.

"Yeah that's me." I say sheepishly. Then Emily's father came in.

"Dad, this is James." Emily tells him. He nods.

"Hello James." He says grimly.

"Hello sir." I reply stiffly. Then he leaves.

"Mom, where's Ri?" Emily asks.

"Upstairs." Her mom replies.

But then I hear footsteps. I turn around and see a beautiful girl. My heart rate quickened and I began to sweat nervously. She glances at me plainly and then looks away.

"Ri, this is James." Emily tells her. So, this is Riley. Wow.

Riley looks at me again and with a bored expression.

"I assumed." She says and then looks away. She couldn't care less about me. She treated me like dirt. And yet, I loved it.

Emily talked with her mother, while I drooled over Riley. But she quickly notices. She looks at me and glares. I look away quickly.

"Emily, can you fold up the clothes in the dryer for me?" Her mother asks.

"But mom-" Emily begins to protest.

"Emily, just do it." Her mother sighs.

"Fine!" Emily grumbles. She turns to me. "I'll only take a minute."

She scurries away and I'm left awkwardly standing alone. Riley gets up and walks into the living room, and I follow. She takes a seat on the couch and takes out her phone. But I just stare at her. She looks up from her phone and rolls her eyes.

"You can sit down you know, instead of staring at me like a creep." She mutters.

"Oh, sorry." I take a seat on the couch opposite of her, but still stared at her.
"So Ri, you-"

"Riley." She corrects me with a hint of annoyance in her tone. "Don't call me Ri, or Riles, or whatever. Call me Riley."

"Um, okay. So, Riley, you're starting public school next week?" I ask.

"Yeah." She mutters.

"Cool." I say. She looks up from her phone to look at me. She narrows her eyes at me and then rolls her eyes again and looks back at her phone.

She didn't like me. Actually, I think she despises me. She wouldn't care if I dropped dead any minute. But it only made me like her more.


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